Gimatic Iberia, S.L. - Universal robot grippers

Gimatic Serie MPRM

Pinzas Angular and radial: of two fingers

Picture of Pinzas Angular and radial
Gimatic Has of the pinzas angular and radial of two fingers, series MPRM.


- simple Operation Plug & Play.

- Without electrical consumption when the pinza reaches his position of work.

- It is not necessary to realizar programming.

- It guarantees the fixation of the piece without tension.

- It adapts to the dimensions of the piece.

- Motorisation brushless CC (without brushes).

- Accionamiento Of the engine (driver) integrated .

- Feeding to low tension 24 Vcc.

- Connection by means of connector M8 x 1 - 3 poles.

- Controllable easily from PLC, by means of digital signal.

- System autocentrante patented.

- Supported cinematic chain by threads.

- System of reduction (husillo) in fibre of carbon.

- Without maintenance at least during 10 million cycles.

- Excellent relation between the dimension/forces/weight.

- Digital or analog sensors optional.

- Setting modulate with the rotary presses actuators.

- Protection antipolvo.