CT Automatismos y Procesos, S.L. - Fire-prevention equipment

Mitos Press

Picture of overpressesure for hygiene in case of fire: it fulfils the norm JOINS-IN 12101-6 in the presurización of ladders and roads of leakage

Picture of Picture of overpressesure for hygiene in case of fire
The picture of overpressesure Myths Presses, has designed to fulfil the norm JOINS-IN 12101-6 in the presurización of ladders and roads of leakage. For this has to keep a pressesure of 50 Pa with all the enclosed doors and a flow of air of 2m/s. With open doors.

The picture of overpressesure Myths Presses is composed of a variator of the mark Toshiba series VFNC3 or VFFS1, a probe of differential pressesure, automatic switch of protection. All the elements supply mounted and programmed simplifying the work of installation since only it will have to connect the picture to the tension of feeding and already will be smart for his operation, without need to program any of his elements.

The system will vary the speed of the fan to change the discharge and like this keep the pressesure of 50 Pa at all times. This achieves it thanks to the information that provides him the probe of differential pressesure.