Knauf España - Sealant paste


Pasta joint: rapid-setting, slow & special

Picture of Pasta joint
Material on the basis of plaster, or on the basis of synthetic resins, manufactured according to the norm UNE in 13963. Pastes of Knauf boards is function, fill and conceal encounters between the edges of plates, corners and corners, filling the heads of the screws and repair damage on the plate.

Knauf offers a wide range of pasta joints: • pasta joints fast setting (2 HR-3 HR), prepared (cube) or powdered (SAC), to apply only manually with a spatula.

• Pasta joints of slow setting (24 HR), prepared (cube) or powdered (SAC), to apply manually with a spatula as with machine.

• Special pasta, which respond to the technical performance system (systems with plate Fireboard, antirradicacion systems, water-proof)