Mabeconta, S.L. - Dosing machines

Modules of dosage: for machines of filled

Picture of Modules of dosage
The modules of dosage, for machines of filled offer an operation guaranteeed of the dosage. With magnetic measurers - inductivos and function automaton incorporated. The magnetic measurers inductivos use increasingly in the machines fillers. In relation to the pistón offer advantages like easy advantages, without mobile pieces, cuidar the best product, easy change of the quantity to dosificar. To be able to guarantee a good precision have to adjust all the components that take part in the dosage. The module of dosage integrates in the machine of filled, but also can be tested like own system. The advantage is that they can effect proofs in the installations of the final customer, before mounting it in the own machine. With this achieves a high degree of hygiene of operation and a set up faster. The total control of the process of cleaning effects by the automaton incorporated in the module. During the process of cleaning measure the discharges with the measurers MID. With this guarantees that the cleaning was perfect.