Gravipes, S.L. - Laboratory dosing systems


Microdosificadores gravimétricos, dosage gravimétrica: with discharges from among 0,1 and 10 l/h

Picture of Microdosificadores gravimétricos, dosage gravimétrica
The microdosificadores Brabender characterise by his robustness and simplicity. They are especially designed for applications of laboratory or microdosificaciones. Brabender Has of dosificadores gravimétricos or volumetric with metallic hopper with or without agitador inner. The discharges to dosificar go from 0,1 l/h until roughly 10 l/h, depending of the product. The utilisation of digital cell of until 4.000.000 of divisions allows to obtain a high precision. In the function batch guarantee , according to the type of product, precisions of until 1 g.

All the parts in contact with the product disassemble with great ease. The electronics equipment dealers equipment dealers of control and regulation, is directly integrated in the mechanics.