FM Grupo Tecnológico - Hospital facilities

FM grupo tecnológico

Lighting for operating theatres: specially designed cleanroom intervention

Picture of Lighting for operating theatres
Ceiling light hermetic is specially designed cleanroom intervention classified as e.g. operating theatres of haemodynamic requiring control of controlled parameters such as pressure, temperature, humidity, air flow, level of particles / m3.

It is a lighting system of type modular, adaptable to any rectangular shape. It is composed of translucent panels with photographic reproductions of high resolution transmitting the color, scale, and the prospect of a real cycle. In medical rooms lighting, not room temperature in excess, they can be varied use strips led and fluorescent led by its low consumption, not giving heat and do not distort colors.

The system consists of: 1. Ceiling Light Hermetic: screen watertight for general lighting of the room 2. Nanoline LED Ceiling: Downlighting table of patient 3. Programmable touch screen CONTROL TOTAL DE LA LUZ - direct programming from the screen - presence - time settings - light scenes - Control sequences - constant light Control