Hertell, S.Coop. - Other measuring and monitoring equipment

Hertell 200

Kit Hydraulics finder: to mount in hydraulics valves of 200 mm

Picture of Kit Hydraulics finder
One of the main demands of the manufacturers and users of cisternas of empty has been during the last years the can have of a system that indicate to the operario when the hydraulics valve is opened and when is closed. This demand has done nowadays more necessary in the measure in that the cisternas of empty come instrumented every time with greater assiduity with arms of load to facilitate the process of filled without need that the operario go down of the tractor.

It is thus that in Hertell have designed a kit hydraulics finder that it can be mounted in any hydraulics valve Hertell of 200 mm of diameter. Basically it consists of an open cylinder and provisto of a vástago that carries joined an arandela of indication. This open cylinder places between the valve and the hydraulics cylinder. The arandela of indication is the attendant to inform to the operario of the position in which the hydraulics valve is in a moment die, open or enclosed, avoiding with this possible errors of identification and guaranteeing an optimum operation of the cisterna.