Nitromatic - Nitrogen generators


Generator of nitrogen: for inflado of tyres

Picture of Generator of nitrogen

The generators TyreSaver are designed for inflar pneumatics with nitrogen, supplying the purity required to achieve a constant pressesure in the same.

They are instrumented with external connection to tank accumulator of nitrogen or directly to the line of inflado. The generator connects and desconecta automatically depending on the demand of nitrogen.

The TyreSaver work neumáticamente, and do not require electrical supply. They can feed by means of the general network of air compressesed or from a compressesor slave. The equipment do not contain mobile parts and have a battery of leak of high quality, achieving a simple operation and practically free of maintenance.

The generators are prepared to work directly once connected to the taking of air compressesed.


Until 25-30 wheels by hour.

The same of time of inflado that with air compressesed.

Without consumption of air in stand-by.

Direct connection to taking of air compressesed.

Triple leak of entrance.

Tank of optional nitrogen.

Stable purity by means of automatic regulation.

Robust and compact design.

Minimum and simple maintenance.