Control y Ventilación, S.L. - Evaporative systems

Panal C&V

Filter for conditioners evaporativos: manufactured with rejilla of polyethylene of high density

Picture of Filter for conditioners evaporativos
Control and Ventilation, S.L. It manufactures and it commercialises a filter of development suitable for conditioners evaporativos, registered under the name of Honeycomb. Manufactured from rejilla of polyethylene of high density, under a process of folded and welding that forms pipes of triangular section, employs like support evaporativo for equipment of refrigeration of air Humibat

The group obtained presents in shape of blocks prefabricated or honeycombs. The configuration of the honeycombs, of aerodynamic profile, facilitates the step of the air in straight pipes. The specific resistance of the rejilla of polyethylene, joined to the effect of rigidity of the group of weldings, do that the present honeycomb a total mechanical stability of until 75 °C. On the other hand, the use of the rejilla allows to present a double surface of contact, developing a total interfase nominal liquid-gas, what allows a greater thermal sensors efficiency.

These honeycombs are of easy installation, light and flexible and of minimum maintenance, since it suffices with a simple irrigation with water to pressesure to delete the impurities. The material used does that they are inatacables by any present substance so much in the water as in the air. This allows that the Honeycomb can clean even submerging it in acid, resisting perfectly the operations of disinfection of the protocol of prevention of the legionela.

Can use in the filling of all type of towers of refrigeration laminar, as well as of separador of drops, in the case of the honeycomb of pipe oblicuo. Configurable In several layers, can attain the total elimination of the drag of drops. Besides, Honeycomb C&V employs like honeycomb of concentration of effluents by natural evaporation accelerated; for the wash of gases; in humectación, for units of treatment of air, and in support of biomasses, in biological filters.