Intza, S.A. | Intza Lubrication Systems - Greasing and lubrication equipment


Equipment of lubrication for chains: with equipment of accionamiento pneumatics

Picture of Equipment of lubrication for chains

The system of lubrication for chains Intza composes of group of pumping with a variable number of dosificadores (1 to 6) mounted on a basic plate and assembled to a deposit, the pipe of transport (pipe) and the final accessory: filter inyectora, brush of impregnación, filter pulverizadora, etc.

Optionally can automate the process by means of a PLC to the that could arrive the signal from a fotocélula that detect the step of the link, achieving a more efficient lubrication.

They exist three tipus of lubrication according to the way of application: by means of pulverización, by projection and by impregnación.

Lubrication by pulverización: equipment of microbombas with exit from basic plate by means of coaxial pipe. A device detects the step of the chain, accionando the pumps that powder lubricante on the point wished.

Lubrication by projection: equipment of microbombas with direct exit in combination with filters proyectoras with valve antirretorno. A device detects the step of the chain, accionando the pumps that project lubricante on the point wished.

Lubrication by impregnación: equipment of microbombas with direct exit in combination with brushes of grease. The brushes are in constant contact with the chain. Can employ diverse ways of operation, from an automatism, by means of a sequence of course-unemployment accionan the pumps that contribute lubricante to the brushes of intermittent way; a device (pneumatics valve, sensor, etc.) detects the step of the chain and acciona the pumps by means of signal of electroválvula; regulation of the cycles of lubrication by means of a pneumatics generator of installed impulses in the team of pumping.