Hertell, S.Coop. - Vacuum pumps

Hertell Serie KDP

Depresores Direct axis: of between 3.000 and 12.000 l/min

Picture of Depresores Direct axis
The depresores of the series KDP are pumps of empty of rotary presses palettes mounted in eccentric rotor for setting in equipment of empty. The peculiarity of the series KDP, of between 3.000 and 12.000 l/min, is that the accionamiento of the depressesant is to 1.400 rpm in time sense, what does that it was an especially indicated series for setting in trucks of cleaning. The accionamientos typical are systematically hydraulics or with poleas. It covers it previous carries mechanised some holes for installation of a brida standardised that it allow the placing of a hydraulics engine.

The depresores KDP have to the equal that his homologous KD of distributor incorporated for change of empty / pressesure. The body of the depressesant and the rotor are manufactured in smelting nodular and the rotor is hollow and balanced.

The levels of empty maximum rondan 90% with discharges from 3.000 until 12.000 l. The attachment of hose that supplies with the depressesant allows the setting of valves of empty and pressesure to limit the maximum pressesures of operation of the team.