FM Grupo Tecnológico - Hospital facilities

Cooling equipment for TAC: double refrigeration circuit

Picture of Cooling equipment for TAC
Equipment designed for constant water cooling, guarantees perfect operation for use in refrigeration equipment radiagnostico for imaging and radiotherapy, including magnetic resonance imaging, tomography and linear accelerator.

The RM Chillers chillers are supplied with two independent refrigeration circuits. In case of failure in one of the compressors the other will remain in operation, eliminating the possibility of loss of helium in an MRI magnet.

Built-in hydraulic module series, different powers. Supplied with double centrifugal pump and deposit of thermal inertia to avoid the continuous bursts of compressors. Automatic control of adaptive capacity. The need for cooling is high during scans and very reduced in standby condition. The Adaptive control provides an Automation between impulsion and return water temperature to adjust to the needs of each installation.

The control system used on computers is capable of contributing in every moment the operating status and management of faults with the same history, with your communication via ModBus can be remote controlled.