Aguilar & Pineda Asociados, S.L. - Security, surveillance, SCADA, HMI and monitorization software

BarcoVision BMS EnergyMaster

Control of the power in real time: for the effective gestión of his costs

Picture of Control of the power in real time
With the addition of PowerMaster, BarcoVision expands his range with the supervision of a factor of important costs. When using the same hardware that already uses for the compilation of data, the same network, the same database and the configuration of the server, the cost of the investment is minimum, whereas the saving in the monthly bill of power is substantial.

In the case that the system PowerMaster have to install independent, does an analysis of the parameters that have to control. This module can apply to a number of machines of individual way, to a group of machines, to a number of subestaciones, to the consumers of water, to the compressesors of air, etc. Basing in this information, install the measurers together with the software PowerMaster.

When defining a plan of energetic efficiency with clear aims, can obtain an important energetic saving.

PowerMaster Is the perfect tool to offer analysis and support of decisions for actions of saving of fast power.