Mabeconta, S.L. - Water meters


Contador of water: so much for cold water like hot until a temperature of 90 °

Picture of Contador of water
The counter of water Minomess commercialised by Mabeconta can

use so much for cold water like hot until a temperature of 90 °C.

With a nominal discharge of Qn 1,5/2,5 m3/h, allows an easy and precise reading so much in cubic metres as in litres.

With more than one million installations, the counter of water Minomess can be

used like initial measurer or to replace an already existent counter.

Adapted for any type of installation, with lengths of 80-110 mm for threads of 3/4” (nominal diameter 1/2”) and of 130 mm for threads of 1” (nominal diameter 3/4”). Of dry type, chorro only and drag magnetic can mount in horizontal or vertical. It fulfils all the norms PTB and EC.