Equipos Lagos, S.A. - Painting booths for the automotive sector


Cabin of painting: for high levels of finishings

Picture of Cabin of painting
The cabin of painting of High-Shine was developed by Lagos for a type of customer that needs a high level of finishing thanks to the technical solutions incorporated and to his design. It is a modular cabin that can manufacture varying the width and the long of the same in function of the needs.

They characterise by the two flows of air hiper-filtered: one in the zone of vertical application that guarantees the finishing and the salubridad of the operario, and another in the zone of horizontal evaporation to avoid any possible pollution of the pieces. With lighting ahead and to backs of the aplicador, to avoid shadows, include door of service with closing antipánico independent, double acristalamiento in panels and doors of access, to avoid condensations and have more hermeticidad and Plenum upper isolated to avoid thermal sensors losses. Also they carry a picture of controls with glasses to protect all the electrical components, lightings extraíbles from the outside to guarantee the internal cleaning during more time and boiler and exchanger of big surface, to obtain more thermal sensors performance. With big surface of prefiltrado and inner filters to avoid particles in the interior of the cabin and closing perimetral of panels, with board of thermal sensors dilatation.