Global Vacuum Presses - Nabuurs Developing, S.L. - Contact data

Ubicación y datos de contacto
Global Vacuum Presses - Nabuurs Developing, S.L.
Av. Paret del Patriarca, 4 - Pol. Ind. Montcada III
46113 Montcada (València) Spain

How to get there

☎:  +34‑961526000  
🖷:  +34‑916408409
Manufacturer of presses of empty with membrane, ovens of warming, presses of sublimation, hydraulics presses to work the wood and thermoplastic

NOTE: Although reasonable efforts have been made to check the location of this company/organisation, we cannot guarantee it 100%

Global Vacuum Presses - Nabuurs Developing, S.L.

GLOBAL VACUUM PRESSES develops and produces presses of empty, hydraulics presses, ovens of precalentamiento, skilled tools and machines to measure for the sector of the solid surfaces and of the cabinetmaking. Founded 20 years ago by Anton Nabuurs, the company has turned into a leader of reference in the technology of the empty covering the sectors of the cabinetmaking and the termoconformado of solid surfaces and other thermoplastic.

GLOBAL VACUUM PRESSES is a company with international vocation and of service. The customers can benefit of his long experience and request his centre of service to resolve any doubt and face new challenges with guarantees. GLOBAL is the solution that will allow to manufacture easily pieces, up to now unthinkable, with a very affordable cost.

Hit and choose GLOBAL – Quality, Service and Learning Applied.

The strong points of GLOBAL do not limit to the development and commercialisation of professional machines, but, mainly, find in the guarantee that offer the years of experience in the sector and, overcoat, in his flexibility. GLOBAL provides an integral service and of high quality with solutions studied to measure for the industries of cabinetmaking and of termoconformado. Under the lemma Quality, Service and GLOBAL Applied Learning is the simplest solution, profitable and efficient for products of high quality, adjusted always to the real needs of the customer. This includes the service Post-Sale and the theoretical learning-practical in his exclusive Centre of Learning.