Federación Empresarial de la Industria Química Española (Feique) - Contact data

Ubicación y datos de contacto
Federación Empresarial de la Industria Química Española (Feique)
Hermosilla, 31, 1º dcha
28001 Madrid Spain

How to get there

☎:  +34‑914317964  
🖷:  +34‑915763381
w:  www.feique.org

NOTE: Although reasonable efforts have been made to check the location of this company/organisation, we cannot guarantee it 100%


FEIQUE Is the organism of maximum business representation of the interests of the chemical sector, with capacity to act in front of the Administration of the State, Territorial, Autonomic, Local and Institutional, professional organisations of employers and of workers, social and economic entities national and international, and all class of organisms of public or private nature, Spaniards or foreigners.

Is integrated by 17 chemical associations representative of the distinct subsectores and zones of main implantation of the chemical industry, and 24 multisectorial companies direct members.

Represents and defends the interests of a sector composed by more than 3.700 companies that, with a value of upper production to 32.300 million Euros, contributes 10% of the Gross Industrial Product. Likewise, the chemical sector generates more than 500.000 places of work (direct, indirect and induced), agglutinates 20% of the total of the investments and costs realizar in Investigation, Development and Innovation, and is the second exporting elder of the Spanish economy.

Cooperates with the authorities in the manufacturing and back development of the Laws and Norms that affect to the chemical industry by means of the timely advice of diverse Skilled Commissions, constituted by experts of his companies and associations member.

Boosts the trade and the export of chemical products and the access of the companies to markets globalizados, being recognised by the Ministry of Economy and Inland revenue like Entity Collaborator of the Administration in Tasks of Ordination of the External Trade.

Promotes the communication and the dialogue of the sector with the society

Manages and develops in Spain the program Commitment of Progress (Responsible Care), advising to his companies to attain quantitative and qualitative improvements in matter of hygiene and Protection of the Health and of the Environingingment, in accordance with the principles of the Sustainable Development.

Negotiates with the most representative unions of the sector the General Agreement of the Chemical Industry.

Represents to the chemical sector Spanish in front of the Spanish Confederation of Business Organisations (CEOE) and in front of the European Council of the Chemical Industry (CEFIC).

Is adhered to the Deontological Code of the United Nations for the International Trade.