Federación Empresarial Catalana del Sector Químico (FEDEQUIM) - Contact data

Ubicación y datos de contacto
Federación Empresarial Catalana del Sector Químico (FEDEQUIM)
Roger de Lluria, 44
08009 Barcelona Spain

How to get there

☎:  +34‑933176908  
🖷:  +34‑933026423
w:  www.fedequim.es

NOTE: Although reasonable efforts have been made to check the location of this company/organisation, we cannot guarantee it 100%


The chemical industry and the trade of chemical products have a rooted tradition in Catalonia, that traces back to the primes of the industrial revolution and that assent with own character in the 20th century, to attend the demand of other sectors in expansion, like the textile, the metallurgist, the construction and the comfort, and those that relate with the called "sciences of the life", like the agriculture, the nutrition, the hygiene and the health.

In spite of the a lot of vicisitudes that has had to face the industrial state along this centuria, the chemical activities and his affine specialitys have been always in the avant-garde of the development and the innovation, consolidating an important entramado business of big, average and small companies, so dynamic and diversified like complementary and efficient.

At present, the chemical activity of the rooted producing companies in Catalonia is in the order of 48% of the total of Spain and 50% of the commercial activity of the Sector.

This means that the chemical activity in Catalonia, expressesed in terms of turnover, is upper to the one of some States members of the European Union, such as: Austria, Denmark, Greece, Finland, Luxembourg, Portugal, Sweden and to the one of each one of the 10 new countries.

This important chemical implantation, joined to the competitions that has transferred the Autonomous Community of Catalonia, in matters so important like the hygiene and the environingingment, between others, justify fully the existence of FedeQuim, the Business Federation Catalan of the Chemical Sector, and also the one of the Chemical Business Association of Tarragona, by the concentration of big productive installations of basic chemicals established in his industrial polygon.

FedeQuim Is a non-profit entity, whose aim is the defence of the rights and interests of the Chemical Sector, especially in Catalonia, through a follow-up of the legislative activity, to community level, state and autonomic.

FedeQuim Offers a permanent service of information and advice to his associated, watching at all times by the progress of the companies of the Sector and the improvement of his competitiveness and public image, in collaboration with FEIQUE, the Business Federation of the Spanish Chemical Industry and other Associations linked to the Sector.

FedeQuim Has at present 220 companies Associated directly and 5 Associations linked, grouping in his group to a community that surpasses the 500 companies, what endorses his corporate representativeness.