ISB Ibérica - Euro Bearings Spain, S.L. - Contact data

Ubicación y datos de contacto
ISB Ibérica - Euro Bearings Spain, S.L.
Plàstic, 12 - Pol. Ind. Les Guixeres
08915 Badalona (Barcelona) Spain

How to get there

☎:  +34‑933037860  
distribution of Threads and Components

NOTE: Although reasonable efforts have been made to check the location of this company/organisation, we cannot guarantee it 100%

ISB Ibérica - Euro Bearings Spain, S.L.

Euro Bearings Spain, S.L. It is a skilled company in the distribution of products of transmission of power and industrial components.
After the more than 45 years of experience that the steering of the company accumulates in the sector, his vocation of service follows marking the way to fulfil with the clear aim to satisfy the needs and the expectations of his customers. Manufacturers, maintenances and industrial supplies trust the wide range of products that EBS puts to his scope thanks to his stock, considered one of the most important of Europe.
The customers see also backed by the technical advice that offers them each one of the skilled Commercial Divisions: Threads, Transmission, Estanqueidad and Linear Movement.
The firm commitment that the company has with the Quality remains latent, no only in the continuous investment in his own Laboratories of Control, but also of the logistical processes of his warehouses. The implantation of new technologies in the management of picking and packaging allow to assume an important volume of daily expeditions guaranteeing a high level of service in the deliveries.