Elementos Calefactores As, S.L. - Contact data

Ubicación y datos de contacto
Elementos Calefactores As, S.L.
Zamora, 99-101, 5º 1ª
08018 Barcelona Spain
☎:  +34‑934863682  
🖷:  +34‑934863814
w:  www.elementoscalefactores.com
Special systems of heating based in the employment of cables calefactores and flexible electrical resistances

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Elementos Calefactores As, S.L.

In Elements Calefactores ACE manufacture cables calefactores and flexible electrical resistances, that are the base for the development of all our special systems of heating:

• Electrical radiant floor.
• Systems of prevention of accumulation of snow and ice in rampas.
• Systems of prevention of accumulation of snow and ice in roofs and flat roofs.
• Systems of prevention of accumulation of snow and ice in canalones and drains.
• Traceado Electrical of pipes.
• Traceado Electrical of tanks.
• Blankets calefactoras for the warming and control of temperature of drums of 25 to 200 litres.
• Blankets calefactoras for the warming and control of temperature of drums IBC of 1.000 litres.
• Blankets calefactoras for the prevention of accumulation of snow and ice in parabolic antennas.
• Bridas calefactoras For cárters of motors and small containers.
• Systems of heating by electrical radiant floor for greenhouses, bancales, semilleros, etc.
• Systems of heating by electrical radiant floor or bases calefactoras for animals.

In Elements Calefactores ACE also manufacture and commercialise a wide range of thermostats and devices, for the control and regulation of temperature of all our systems of heating.

• thermostats for electrical radiant floor.
• Pictures of control and regulation, thermostats of hygiene for blankets calefactoras.
• switchboards for systems of thaw.
• Systems domóticos.

In addition to the systems of heating and systems of regulation and quoted control, also study, value and give solution to projects of heating little frequent, and offer advice for the manufacturing of prototypes.