
This news article was originally written in Spanish. It has been automatically translated for your convenience. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace a human translator. The original article in Spanish can be viewed at Plásticos Universales, desde 1956

Universal plastics, since 1956

Ibon Linacisoro19/07/2010

July 19, 2010

More than 50 years ago, plastic universal began a journey that, as many people know, continued successfully. It all started on the initiative of the German magazine Kunststoffe, who decided to make a Spanish version of their magazine. Many of those who were learning with the famous Kunststoffe appreciated the initiative of the magazine of one specific edit to the Spanish market, which initially was a mere translation of the German version.

The magazine was installed successfully in our country, became independent from its German creators and, today, after being bought by Nova Agora, its current editor, in 2001, has become without a doubt the main environment specializing in Spanish to the plastics industry, with the widest audience, according to OJD, in their printed versions and 'online'. The relationship with the publishing company of the magazine Kunststoffe is still the vocation of educating the plastics sector in our country, not only through information published in the magazine and on our website, but also through the sale of the best books on the market for this sectorwhose distribution in Spain we continue carrying out.

This issue of July, 2010 is the 150, while this numbering illustrates not really the number of published editions, because for decades, the way of numbering was different from the current. But we wanted to take advantage of this round number for a look at the past, understand where our roots are to be able to look to the future with more firmness. We have rescued interesting texts, ads sorprendentes…

We have seen, with pleasant surprise, that the magazine was extremely interesting and already decades ago, when I knew much less than today and the ways of accessing the information were not as simple or as flexible as today, factors that facilitate our work as journalists but that make it difficult for the position in the market of any meansSince that, over the internet, anyone can report what you want, with greater or lesser accuracy, ethics or, simply, knowledge of what is saying.

Precisely for having been able to adapt to a few times tremendously difficult for the media in general, by having achieved the position in which we find ourselves, we are proud. We are also for having been able to continue with the aim that surely were responsible for the publishing house Hanser when already in 1956 they decided to go to the Spanish processors.

The numbering of magazines in Germany, for lovers of detail, does not really match the logic of a consecutive numbering, as the current universal plastics. There they named (or at least did so Hanser) the year in which is the magazine and added the month. In other words, if the first magazine in Spanish was made in 1956, on the cover appeared year 1/month. In 1966, year 10 per month in 1990, when 34/month, etc.

When plastics universal was in the hands of Hanser, was published six times a year.

Pioneers in Internet

Today Internet is not a mystery for almost anyone. It is common that companies have their own website and many media, with varying degrees of success, are present in the network. But plastics universal, hosted today in portal, was also a pioneer in this field, visionary even. In 1996 we had as "a large representation of companies and industry associations attended 13 may (of 1996) to the presentation of"The web of plastics in Spanish", created for the plastics sector network for plastics universal". In those years, all of this sounded a bit of science fiction. By the way, it was the year that plastics universal celebrated 40 years of presence in Spain and did so inviting an act to numerous professionals in the sector. Today, receives an average of about 500,000 visitors per month and displayed, depending on the month, between two million and a half and three million pages per month. It has no possible comparison with any other Spanish means to the industry and leads the global websites in Spanish-speaking with content intended for the industry.

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