
This news article was originally written in Spanish. It has been automatically translated for your convenience. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace a human translator. The original article in Spanish can be viewed at Dynapac Iberia vende a la alquiladora Maropsa dos extendedoras Svedala Demag DF 115 C para la “Operación Asfalto” de Madrid

Dynapac Iberia sells to the challenging extends two Maropsa Svedala Demag DF 115 C for the "operation tarmac" of Madrid


on September 6, 2007

Dynapac Iberia sold recently two new extends Svedala Demag DF 115 C to the challenging Maropsa. It's an unprecedented operation, which is the first time that a challenging of machinery company acquires totally new extends.
Luís Morral, Managing Director of Dynapac Iberia, has underlined the importance of this sale: "Maropsa in addition to other products, is dedicated to rent equipment for extended and compaction of asphalt without operator." In Spain there are few rental companies that offer this service because of the complexity of the machines and the sector. The few companies in this niche market, have acquired machines of spread in the market of opportunity and they had never bet on acquiring this new product, "of package". Hire companies demand a large availability of machine, soon stop by breakdown and therefore a product and service of "excellent". "That Maropsa has taken a new step in the market acquiring new equipment for rent and that you've done this by putting their trust in Dynapac, Demag, is for us a great recognition of both, the product and the Dynapac organization."
Ricardo Perez, Managing Director of Maropsa, has also explained the reasons for this purchase: "indeed, is the first time, in our 22 years of experience, we have purchased new extends from 2.5 m to 5 m rule." In particular, the Svedala Demag DF 115 C is a versatile and multi-purpose for different types of works machine. "We have relied on Dynapac because they have joined the price, the customer service and after-sales service." Ricardo Pérez has detailed the characteristics of the purchased model: "new rule" EB-51 2.55 to 5.10 of hydraulic opening and heating e, because we think that we will generate fewer problems than a rule of gas heating. "And new engine TIER 3 low emissions and consumption, to adapt to the current regulation of the European Union". During this year, the turnover of Maropsa is thus divided: 65 per cent in rent and 35 percent for the sale of machinery.
Executives. From left to right: Luís Morral, Managing Director of Dynapac Iberia; Ricardo Perez, Managing Director of Maropsa; Carlos González, Manager of asphalt Vicálvaro and Benito Horcajo, Dynapac Iberia Sales Manager.
Pérez has been reported that both extends had as first customer the Madrid company Vicálvaro asphalt for the traditional "asphalt operations" in the months of July and August. Carlos González, Manager of asphalt Vicálvaro, has offered the results of productivity on both machines: "the behaviour of the Svedala Demag DF 115 C has been very satisfactory." You paste so far none, because this model we are using it to the streets of downtown Madrid. "The benefits of the DF 115 C, with respect to the engine and its rule fit our needs."
The "operation tarmac" of Madrid 2007 has invested 20 000 tonnes of asphalt (in 2006 were 95,000 tons) to 186,000 square meters of public roads. According to Carlos González, the asphalt operation, at least in Madrid, they began her last January, because since then have linked different works of paving on national and regional roads.
With respect to the sale of extends, the Managing Director of Dynapac Iberia has made this analysis: "Before so much tumult I dare not make a diagnosis." The diagnoses are based on signs that the development towards expansion, contraction or stagnation. "The signals that we received is that the demand for this type of equipment continues to increase and that the level of occupation of these teams is very high, I would say that we we have economic growth and non-structural".
Until September, Dynapac Iberia has delivered 14 extends and are pending deliver another 10. Luís Morral has also opined on the prominence of the companies alquiladores in the sector of public works: "This is due to the flexibility of the parks in machinery of large companies, cost known to customers, because the rent includes maintenance." "Other reasons are the liberalization of capital for other expansionary activities and adjustment of the cost for the duration of the projects." For its part, the Managing Director of Maropsa points out: "As regards the evolution of the rent must wait until 2008, to have a more approximate vision of it." It seems that the current trend of companies is to opt more for rent, although options have place in the market. "With regard to Maropsa maintain a regular line of our activity increase".
First practicality of asphalt Vicalvaro in Madrid with the Svedala Demag DF 115 C extendedora
First practicality of asphalt Vicalvaro in Madrid with the Svedala Demag DF 115 C extendedora

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