Pescados y Mariscos Mariskito - Caviar del Tibet - Sea bass


Sea basss: of 2-3 kg

Picture of Sea basss
The sea bass has a long body, oval and slim, with some aletas dorsal separate and without paint. The long head and the colour of his leather is grey-plateado in the back, clearer to the sides and white in the belly. It has an enormous mouth, of big predatory.

It lives in the north sea, the channel de la Mancha and in the Atlantic ocean, being very common also in the Mediterranean sea. The sea bass finds in the rocky coasts of the sandy areas, the mouths of the rivers and also in the ports, dársenas, pantalanes and escolleras. It is used to find to a depth between 0 and 15 metres. What greater is the piece, more appreciated in the markets.

At present, the proliferation of the ones of crop does that the authentic wild sea bass was unknown for the big public.

Form to cook:

One of the most traditional forms to cook the sea bass is “to the salt”. On a mulch of fat salt, acuesta the sea bass and covers whole with a big layer of fat salt. It roasts and to serve it follows the ritual to raise the quilt of salt to the that will remain adhered the leather and will appear the lomos clean and in his point.

Done to the oven with olive oil and salt, or to the steam also results excellent.