Pescados y Mariscos Mariskito - Caviar del Tibet - Gilthead bream

Gilded of crop: of 400-600 g

Picture of Gilded of crop
The golden is a fish of the family of the espáridos, of high body and compressesed, of grey colour plateado, very proportionate but more scarce in the lomo. Has a golden stain between the eyes, and in each operculum a black stain. His lips are thick and fleshy. The golden wild, that can arrive to the 70 centimetres, has a firm meat and of a very special flavour given his marine habitat. It is not a fish that find usually in Galicia, since it likes of waters warmer.

The golden of piscifactoría differentiate of the wild for having a more turn# off colouring, as well as the greasiest meats, because of the feeding to base of piensos and to the sedentarism to which have subjected .

Form to cook:

The most traditional form to cook the golden is “to the salt”. On a mulch of fat salt, acuesta the golden and covers whole with a big layer of fat salt. It roasts and to serve it follows the ritual to raise the quilt of salt to the that will remain adhered the leather and will appear the lomos clean and in his point. Also it is apt to prepare it grilled, or roasted to the oven irrigated with olive oil and salt.