Pescados y Mariscos Mariskito - Caviar del Tibet - Carabineros (shrimps)

Carabineros: minimum quantity of request 0,50 kg

Picture of Carabineros
The carabinero is a crustacean decápodo resemblance to the prawn and to the shrimp, although generally it is quite bigger. Has a strong red colouring dark, a high body and crushed lateralmente, and an equally lengthened head. The texture of his shell is smooth, and his antennas of big length. His size can reach the 30 cm.

It lives in the bottoms of sand and fango of the talud continental to depths that oscillate between the 500 and the 2.000 metres, and feeds of organic rests. In occasions can confuse with the called prawn moruno, species very similar but of inferior quality. The carabinero fishes in different places of the world, although the majority of the captures proceed south of the Iberian Peninsula.

Form to cook:

Has a strong flavour in comparison with the shrimps and the prawns. His head, is very sabrosa and is excellent in the manufacturing of sauces, soups and creams. In addition to the classical manufacturing to the ironinging, is usual to employ it in rices caldosos.