La Casita de Los Bombones - Contact data

Ubicación y datos de contacto
La Casita de Los Bombones
Calle, 4 Bis, 2 Nave 10 - Pol. Ind. Romica
02006 Albacete Spain
☎:  +34‑967254279  
🖷:  +34‑967961363
Artisan chocolates

The vicinity of the company location is being shown.

La Casita de Los Bombones

The House of chocolates is a small artisan chocolates factory. The creative spirit of the company is the desire for innovation and renewal of chocolate. His chocolates are regarded by clients and consumers as innovative select products of the highest quality. This is because of the quality of the raw materials employed, dedication process of craft production, which put all their efforts and enthusiasm to meet them wishes customers and inexhaustible imagination flow applied in the development of their products, based on family tradition and in the Office of the confectionery of the components of the company.

As always, remain under investigation in the development of new products whose fruits will be materialized in original and new types of chocolates to delight its customers.