Industrial Pastelera San Narciso, S.A. (Inpanasa) - Contact data

Ubicación y datos de contacto
Industrial Pastelera San Narciso, S.A. (Inpanasa)
Barcelona, 5-9 - Urb. Mas Aliu
17181 Aiguaviva (Girona) Spain

How to get there

☎:  +34‑972241911  
🖷:  +34‑972243185
Industry pastalera

NOTE: Although reasonable efforts have been made to check the location of this company/organisation, we cannot guarantee it 100%

Industrial Pastelera San Narciso, S.A. (Inpanasa)

Inpanasa (Industrial Pastalera Saint Narciso, SA) is cream in Gironinginga in 1976 with a small oven property of the family Mount Lara, and a very clear idea: give the maximum quality to the products with natural ingredients and providers selected. The production goes increasing paulatinamente because of the big acceptance of his products, so that to finals of the seventy, the distribution covers practically all the national territory.

In 1981 Inpanasa creates the bizcocho, only in the market and product crashes of the company, and that because of his big demand by part of the consumers, forces them to expand the lines of production. Inpanasa innova Continuously his catalogue of products basing in the tastes of the consumers and in traditional recipes, being pioneering in the creation of products such as the magdalenas of pinions, the rounds of cream, the cocas handmade, the magdalenas with seeds of chocolate or elaborated with yoghurt.

From 1989, Inpanasa proposes distribute his products out of the borders, what supposes a new enlargement of the productive line of the company. At present the products Mount&Lara, are presents in France, Italy, Germany, Switzerland, Belgium, United Kingdom, Holland, Luxembourg, Ireland and Austria. The expansion to other European markets already is under way. In 1998 it enters the mark Mount&Lara.

In 2000, the company initiates a process of modernisation of his installations and machinery to guarantee a production on a large scale, following processes of handmade manufacturing. In the actuality, the company has a surface of more than 6.000 m2, and three lines of production to full performance, with which produce 30 daily tonnes of magdalenas. Like consequence of his care process productive and the quality of his products, Inpanasa has received diverse prizes awarded to the quality and service.