Almendra y Miel, S.A. (Turrón 1880) - Contact data

Ubicación y datos de contacto
Almendra y Miel, S.A. (Turrón 1880)
Ctra. de Jijona a Busot, km 1 - Pol. Ind. Ciudad del Turrón
03100 Xixona / Jijona (Alacant) Spain
☎:  +34‑965610225  
🖷:  +34‑965612103
Production and commercialisation of nougat

The vicinity of the company location is being shown.

Almendra y Miel, S.A. (Turrón 1880)

1880 it is the most emblematic company inside the sector of the Nougat and Sweet of Quality and the one of greater business tradition, being the only company that keeps the same family governing his destinations since it founded in 1725.

Since and ininterrumpidamente, during ten generations, the tradition has happened of parents to children until our days. Between his members find to Juan Sirvent Carbonell (1793-1865) at present considered like one of the inventors of the turrón of Jijona, only product that is different in his nature to all the other nougat.

In the actuality 1880 is situated in a plot of 20.000 square metres and in his installations elaborate from the most traditional products, like the Turrón of Jijona and Alicante, until those that represent the new market trends like sweet without sugars added, without gluten, chocolates, etc.