RC Microelectrónica, S.L. - Motores paso a paso

Motors for industrial precision control: engine step by step is a motor that rotates according to the electrical impulses that feed their windings

Picture of Motors for industrial precision control
NMB-Minebea has a broad portfolio of stepper motors in your PM, PL, and PG series, as well as hybrid engines. The minimum angle of rotation between two variations of electrical impulse is called step, therefore, an engine step by step is a motor that rotates according to the electrical impulses that fed their windings. This type of motor is characterized by the number of steps per turn (360 °). Typical values range from 20 to 100 (corresponding to 3.6 ° /paso), so the rotation of the motor is discontinuous. Moreover, hybrid motors allow to increase the number of steps up to 200 (corresponding to 1.8 degrees /paso).

This kind of motors are suitable both for industrial control of high precision applications for positioning applications. Among them, stops for cutting length, the valve control, optical devices and adjustment measure, the loading and unloading of presses / machine tools, to name a few.