Hach - Sondas para detección de productos químicos específicos

Hach AN-ISE sc

Sensor combined ammonium and nitrate: values of measure of ammonium and reliable nitrate by means of compensation of the interferences of potassium and chloride

Picture of Sensor combined ammonium and nitrate
Ammonium and nitrate are some values of key measure in the stations debuggers of waste water. The capacity to register and manage these parameters of reliable way exerts an extremely important paper in the effective gestión of the And.D.To.R.

With the sensor AN-ISE sc of Hach Lange only is precise to effect a measurement. The concentrations of ammonium and nitrate can register of reliable form with automatic compensation, in real time, of the interferences of potassium and chloride, by means of the probe ISE. Without that it was necessary to prepare the sample in advance, the parameters can measure directly in the suitable point of the process, ensuring less interruptions with costs, time and maintenance reduced thanks to the sensor AN-ISE sc.

The reason of the handle simple and sure is the contrasted technology Cartrical of Hach Lange, like consequence of which the sensor AN-ISE sc is smart for his use immediately. Like the cartridge sensor supplies with all the perfectly calibrated electrodes secuencialmente, does not require calibración any for the individual electrodes. The calibración of factory executes automatically using the system Cartrical plus. The handle of the sensor AN-ISE sc is so easy like the set up initial. The guide of menus in clear and simple text facilitates the processes, for example when changing and clean the cartridges.

Another advantage is the system controller SC: beside the sensor AN-ISE sc also can connect easily sensors for other parameters. With the controller SC 1000 the system of measure can be controlled the 24 hours of the day by means of alerts by SMS or ecouriers.