Schlüter Systems, S.L. - Perfiles de remate

Schlüter Dilex-HK

Profiles of half cane: for the union of pavimentos and coatings

Picture of Profiles of half cane
Schlüter-Dilex-HK Is a sideways concave profile for boards in the area of walls and floors, that fulfils the special requests of hygiene or cleaning, for example in toilets, big kitchens or in the industry of the feeding. The measures of the profile are comprised of such form, that the azulejos of the wall and the baldosas of the floor can be of different thickness.

Schlüter-Dilex-HK, like union of the floor and wall, his can combine with Schlüter Dilex-HKW, like profile sideways concave for the internal angles of the walls.

Schlüter-Dilex-HK Absorbs horizontal and vertical movements that can originate between the wall and the floor. At the same time it prevents the creation of acoustic bridges in this area and reduces the propagation of sounds.

Schlüter-Dilex-HK Consists in a combination of materials with angles of subjection of PVC hard, drilled in shape of trapeze, and a zone of movement of soft plastic CPE, formed like moldura concave.