Schlüter Systems, S.L. - Perfiles de remate

Schlüter Dilex-AS

Profiles of link: for the union with elements of installation

Picture of Profiles of link
Schlüter-Dilex-ACE is a profile of boards prefabricated for the flexible union of tiled with pieces of construction incorporated, as for example tubs and dishes of shower, but also freamers of windows and doors.

Schlüter-Dilex-ACE is indicated for tiled colindantes of azulejos and of natural stone in thicknesses of 6 to 12 mm.

The wings of subjection drilled in shape of trapeze use like anchorage to fix Schlüter-Dilex-ACE under the tiled of the azulejos. The flexible wing of union to the profile is provista of an adhesive band, with which hits the wing of union to the element of construction, so that it absorbs movements between the tiled of the azulejos and the element of construction.

The profile does not substitute any sealed. The measures of sealed have to take before mounting the profile. Schlüter-Dilex-ACE prevents the creation of acoustic bridges. Like accessories can purchase cover for the extremes and ingletes.

Schlüter-Dilex-ACE consists in an angle of subjection of PVC hard drilled in shape of trapeze and a flexible labial board of PVC soft with an adhesive strip of spongy material.

The profile is resistant to the usual chemical efforts in the tiled as well as to the funguses and the bacteria. The applicability of Schlüter-Dilex-ACE has to clear in special cases according to the chemical or mechanical loads that fit to expect.