Disset Odiseo, S.L. - Contenedores de plástico

Plastic container IBC folding: especially designed to transport liquids inside logistical circuits

Picture of Plastic container IBC folding

The container for liquids (IBC) is designed to be used like system of transport and reusable storage to save expenses during the circulation and storage of liquid substances. ? Of several advantages in comparison with the traditional tanks, like the notably lower expenses by each route and space stored. They are reusable containers (only the stock exchange of the container is desechable) and, thanks to his hygiene, avoid putrefacciones and corrosions. %aOpcionalmente, like measure to protect the product, can him add a chip with which will be able to have trazabilidad of the position of the contenendor inside the logistical circuit, as well as the external temperatures and interiors of the container during the transport and storage.

They allow to take advantage of to the maximum the space of storage thanks to that can fold and apilar and provide a maximum security and hygiene thanks to his stock exchanges. Optionally with function antiséptica. %aTodas The stock exchanges have of two orifices, one in the top and another in the inferior part that allows the casting. To help to the filled of the stock exchange can install a metallic support. With regard to the orifice of exit the stock exchange can supply with cap giratorio ideal for an only casting or with a system of crowbar dosificacadora that allows the casting to stretches.