Sociedad General de Importaciones Galea, S.L. - Cilindros hidráulicos


Hydraulic cylinders: designed for heavy duty work in hard environments

Picture of Hydraulic cylinders
Rehoboth hydraulic cylinders are designed for heavy duty work in hard environments. The field of application is wide and varied and the cylinders are used in those sites where it is necessary to pull, tighten and lift.

Rehoboth hydraulic cylinders are used worldwide in all kinds of environments. There is a standard full with a variety of stroke and capacity.

Tools for everything from a small work to lift a 500 ton bridge sections.Rehoboth products have a long life.Rehoboth products have a long life.Rehoboth products have a long life.Rehoboth products have life hard plated in chrome, making them wear-resistant and waterproof.

Rehoboth products have a long life. Hydraulic cylinders provide a continuous power for generations.

The selection of a cylinder is controlled by the performance of the work in question, the power required, the coup and the dimensions of the cylinder installation.

Consideration should be given to add possibilities for different accessories, extension tubes, heads push etc. If there is equipment hydraulic cylinders must be chosen based on the pressure range of the equipment for maximum flexibility and economy.