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This news article was originally written in Spanish. It has been automatically translated for your convenience. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace a human translator. The original article in Spanish can be viewed at Una Reforma de la PAC que asegure nuestro modelo europeo de producción agroalimentaria

A Reform of the PAC that ensure our European model of production agroalimentaria

Pedro Cheap, national president of Asaja03/09/2012

3 September 2012


For us the proposals advanced by the Commission up to now do case omiso to the call that, from the most miscellaneous international forums, does to increase the productive capacity, promote the alimentary hygiene and favour a sustainable economic growth. In place of this, the Commission proposes a series of measures, especially the relative to the 'ecologización compulsory', that limit the capacity of the producing sector European to be competitive in a market increasingly globalizado and volatile.

At the same time, do not find in the proposals presented any contribution to the aim of simplification of the PAC. Well on the contrary, the proposals in matter of condicionalidad, ecologización, topes, reductions and compensations, as well as the definitions, between them the one of 'active agriculturalist', will seed more confusion in the society, greater bureaucracy for the agricultural professionals and more administrative load for the governments.

This period is crucial to reorient the proposals and reach an agreement for a reform of the PAC in accordance with the future needs, so much in alimentary terms, as of research of solutions to our energetic dependency

According to Asaja:

-The agricultural employer needs, to end to be able to schedule and invest in the exploitation, have of a PAC clear, simple and that offer him stability and perdurabilidad in the time.

-Previous requirement to the adoption of any reform of the PAC is to know the true budget that the EU pretends to allocate to the Agricultural Politics of the EU. This has to be sufficient to tackle the exigencias that the own EU imposes to his agricultural producers.

-The Bottoms of the PAC have to orient to a model of 'active agriculture', that favour the investment in the exploitation, generate wealth and development in the half rural and where the production of foods was the aim prioritario.

-The PAC has to respect the diversity of productions and types of agriculture in the EU, by what refuse a uniform payment that do not contemplate the different productive realities and demand objective criteria and no discriminatory that take into account the reality and the productive diversity in all the Spanish territory. Any modification of the current diet has to involve a transitory period and a suitable starting point, that avoid traumatic changes in the productive structures.

-The livestock is the big forgotten of these proposals of reform. Have to incorporate the timely disposals to avoid that this sector result prejudiced by the new normative.

-Is indispensable to delimit, of clear form, the number of eligible hectares to perceive the direct payments of the PAC, limiting it to those agricultural surfaces used for agricultural production and/or grazier.

-Also is important to have a date of reference for the allocation of the new rights of payment, to end to avoid possible extraneous speculative movements to the sector. The decision to opt by 2011 seems us correct, although they have to take of urgent form the necessary disposals to offer juridical hygiene in the cases of transmissions justified of the exploitations.

-Refuse the proposal of a payment in function of beneficial practices for the climate and the environingingment ('Greening'), that in reality is a new imposición and greater productive costs, at the same time that empty of content an essential part of the second pillar of the PAC. The 'condicionalidad' is requirement more than sufficient and guarantee of fulfillment of a beneficial agricultural practice for the environingingment.

-The 'Voluntary Associated Payments' are, according to the proposals, the only mechanism that the Commission proposes to try correct the disequilibriums that the new system of helps can cause, especially in the most intensive agriculture and the livestock in general. It will be necessary to loan particular attention to this measure, since the total proposed is not sufficient to tackle these situations specify.

-Asaja Only contemplates the possibility of transfers of bottoms between pillars if this realises of pertinent bottoms of measures of rural development to direct payments, inside the first pillar.

-Have to reinforce the mechanisms and tools of gestión of market, updating the amounts of reference, and that offer an agile and effective answer to the fluctuations of an increasingly volatile market. And strengthen the paper of the interprofesionales and adapt the politics of competition to the reality of the sector. Likewise, has to reactivate the protection of the European agriculture in front of the disloyal competition exerted by countries third applying a rigorous system of reciprocity.

-And finally, for incentivar the competitiveness of the agriculture, the politics of rural development has to centre in four elements: the investments in the exploitations and in agricultural infrastructures, measures agroambientales, the learning, the advice and the relief generacional (supporting the abandonment by means of cessation anticipated and/or restructuring of sectors no competitive and the incorporation of youngsters), as well as a recognition of the paper of the woman in the half rural, so much at the head of the exploitation as in activities related with the rural surroundings.

The discussion of these proposals already has begun and expects that the definite regulations are not smart before next spring, by what still remains time to try correct the negative impact that these proposals would have in the diverse productive map national and regional.

The current period is crucial to be able to reorient the proposals and reach an agreement for a reform of the PAC in accordance with the future needs, so much in alimentary terms, as of research of solutions to our energetic dependency, in accordance with the environingingmental worries and sociolaborales. A reform that ensure our European model of production agroalimentaria and the balance between all the regions that compose the territory of the EU. In definite, propiciar the conditions to have a sustainable agriculture, productive and competitive in the market.

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