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Este artículo fue escrito originalmente en Spanish. Se ha traducido automáticamente para su comodidad. Se han hecho esfuerzos razonables para proporcionar una traducción precisa; sin embargo, ninguna traducción automática es perfecta, ni es su intención la de sustituir a un traductor humano. El artículo original en Spanish puede verlo en Case IH derrocha confianza y optimismo en la 40ª Feria de Maquinaria Agrícola de Antequera (Málaga)

Marry IH squanders confidence and optimism in the 40ª Fair of Agricultural Machinery of Antequera (Málaga)


5 June 2012

In the heart of Andalucia, surrounded of big extensions of cereal and olivos, between the Saw of The Torcal and the Vega of Antequera, and after four years of silence, took place again the Fair of Antequera that, in this 2012, arrived to his 40ª edition. Antequera, of very rich artistic heritage, exponent of the renaissance and Andalusian baroque, recovers of this form his fair, and Marry IH wanted to be present through his authorised car dealer Company Machinery 93, with a stand of more than 200 m2. The antequeranos could enjoy with his Quantum F, JX, JXU, Maxxum, and a unit Cougar endowed of the continuous transmission variable CVX. A Magnum 340 decorated with the colours of the American flag caused also a big expectancy.

Manuel López, manager of Company Machinery 93 in Andalucia, affirmed that “the effort for being presents has cost enormously the penalty because it has supposed the opportunity to bring hope to the zone”. His optimism infects to all his team, Juan Bermúdez and Fran Márquez, amongst other, that with his wide experience, learning and, especially, vocation of service, informed to all the visitors, professionals of the sector that demand more, about the last technology Efficient Power of Marry IH. It stands out the Cougar CVX 130, ideal for the fields of the zone, by his strength, size and robustness, in addition to contributing a continuous variable transmission CVX, as well as a silent cabin and of easy handle, favouring the lower fatigue of the operario. The Cougar CVX 130 is synonymous of greater productivity and saving of fuel.

Stand Of Marry IH in the 40ª Fair of Agricultural Machinery of Antequera
Stand Of Marry IH in the 40ª Fair of Agricultural Machinery of Antequera.
Manuel López continued his explanation standing out the qualities of his human team and, besides, the arms with which explains to cover in all Andalucia the service posventa. It stands out his fleet of vans workshop with all the necessary tools so that during 7 days to the week and 365 to the year, can assist in situ to the agriculturalists and graziers and, of this form, solve all the problems that can arise almost immediately.

The commercial delegate of the zone, Francisco Blázquez, displaced personally to Antequera to support to Company Machinery 93, since it believes firmly in Manuel López and his team, and affirms “to be sure that thanks to them will grow the market in Andalucia. We have the product of higher quality and an exceptional human team and professional with vocation of service. The results are ensured”, concludes.

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