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Este artículo fue escrito originalmente en Spanish. Se ha traducido automáticamente para su comodidad. Se han hecho esfuerzos razonables para proporcionar una traducción precisa; sin embargo, ninguna traducción automática es perfecta, ni es su intención la de sustituir a un traductor humano. El artículo original en Spanish puede verlo en Convención de concesionarios Case IH: la fuerza del servicio postventa

Convention of dealers Marry IH: the strength of the service postventa


7 May 2012

The past day 10 April, CNH Spare parts summoned to all the network of authorised car dealers Marry IH in the historical building Marries of America of Madrid to expose them the importance that has purchased the service postventa and the potential of business that means. After the meeting visited the spectacular Palace of Linares. The director of Marry IH, Xavier Autonell, the manager of Spare parts, David Roldán, as well as the manager of Marketing, Vincent Attard, went the hosts of the meeting. Xavier Autonell stood out the big results of the department of Spare parts that has increased his turnover 49% in the last five years and that foresees 16% for the present 2012. According to David Roldán, “the keys of the success fits to look for them in a team of professional sales, in the projection of a dynamic and innovative marketing, with big ideas and proposals, and a network of dealers concienciada in the value added to give a good service to the customers”.
In spite of the glorious results, David Roldán thinks that it still remains a lot of market for exploring and affirms that meetings like the ones of the Palace of Linares allow concienciar still more to the dealers on the business that opens with the services postventa. It affirms that it Marry IH offers them a wide fan of tools to develop them and adapt to big speed to the conditions cambiantes of the market and that these meetings are ideal to expose them and debate them.

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