
This news article was originally written in Spanish. It has been automatically translated for your convenience. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace a human translator. The original article in Spanish can be viewed at Cooperativas Agro-alimentarias exige un reequilibrio de la cadena de valor para la supervivencia del sector productor lácteo

Cooperatives Agro-alimentary demands a reequilibrio of the chain of value for the survival of the dairy producing sector


2 April 2012

From Cooperative Agro-alimentary report that the producers of cow's milk cross a critical situation. The feeding of the livestock supposes between 50% and 70% of the costs of an exploitation of beef of milk, and from the year 2010 these costs have increased almost 50%, to what it is necessary to add the strong increase of the energetic costs, of fertilisation of the earth and more recently, the drought.

The graziers drag a deficit of forrajes of the past year, and the perspectives of future are not at all good, according to the agricultural organisation. In the earths devoted to pastoreo, the losses by the shortage of forraje rondan more than 60%, and with regard to the ensilado of grass estimates that the losses reach more than 40%. Besides, in front of the fault of pasture, of January to March, the prices of the think have registered a heave spectacular, more than 12%, arriving to the 0,33euros/kilo.

To this continuous increase of the costs adds that from May of the year 2010 the half prices of the milk in Spain changed of tendency and happened to be above the average comunitaria to be underneath. A phenomenon without  reason of apparent market –in opinion of the agricultural organisation– and without that the price of the milk in Spain have benefited of the strong increase experienced in the EU, fruit of the rise of the prices in the international market of the whole milk and desnata in dust, of the butter and of the cheeses.

This behaviour of the prices in Spain does not obey to the logic of a market deficitario, as ours, and puts of self-evident the grave disequilibrium of the chain of value. Cooperatives Agro-alimentary regrets that on the one hand, the big distribution uses the milk like product demand, banalizándolo until incompatible extremes with the sustainability of the producing sector; and that by the another, a part of the transformative industry has a model of business based in products of scarce value added, vision cortoplacista and invalid commercial strength, whose strategy bases in going down the prices to the graziers of form very little transparent in a lot of cases, and in others, with descents of magnitude injustificada.

Photo: GEA Farm Technologies
Photo: GEA Farm Technologies.
Cooperatives Agro-alimentary complaint these practices and reiterates, again, his bet by the feasibility and sustainability of the dairy sector Spanish, that to his way to see only will attain if it reaches a true reequilibrio the chain of value, increasing the power of the producers in the market, by means of the concentration of the offer and the integration of the cooperatives in business units of commercialisation sufficiently dimensionadas. In these moments, the organisation has mechanisms collected in the Dairy Package, especially the constitution of the Organisations of Producers, to advance in the reequilibrio of the chain. Thus, they request the commitment of the MAGRAMA so that it establish the normative measures for his immediate application.

Cooperative Agro-alimentary demand an urgent announcement of the Interprofesional dairy, INLAC, to tackle a plan of performance, in collaboration with the MAGRAMA, that comport a true stability, vertebración and transparency to the dairy sector, desterrando the abusive and unilateral practices in the chain agroalimentaria.

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