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This news article was originally written in Spanish. It has been automatically translated for your convenience. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace a human translator. The original article in Spanish can be viewed at Same Deutz-Fahr piensa en ganar posiciones en el mercado europeo y español
The mark presented in FIMA the new family Walker, that complements the segment of 30 to 50 CV of Same, and the line Green Pro of Lamborghini

Same Deutz-Fahr Thinks in winning positions in the European market and Spanish

David Pozo02/03/2012

2 March 2012

The past 14 February, coinciding with the inaugural day of FIMA, the Group Same Deutz-Fahr gathered to the skilled presses to do balance of 2011 and put black on white the aims of the company for the next years. Same Deutz-Fahr, that obtained by part of Fair of Saragossa an effusive homage by his 85 anniversary, presented in this edition of FIMA the new family Walker, that complements the segment of 30 to 50 CV of Same, and the line Green Pro of Lamborghini, focused mainly to the works in green spaces.

The first in taking the word was Ludovico Bussolati, CEO of the group Same Deutz-Fahr, the one who put on the table the challenge that has the agriculture by in front with an increase of the population of 2.000 million people until 2050, especially in Asia and Africa. According to the forecasts of the Group the increase of the demand of agricultural machinery will happen of the 48.000 million euros of 1999 to the 96.407 millions in 2015, with an important increase in countries like China or the Indian.

In this context, Same Deutz-Fahr has bet by: strengthen his plants of production all over the world; develop new businesses with joint ventures (like the realised with the Chinese company Shandong Changlin Agriculture Equipment); and purchase other marks like Gregoire, specialist in viticulture and olivicultura. In his range of products expands the range TTV with the Agrofarm 420 and 430, the Series 6 of 4 and 6 cylinders, and the Series 7; they add the new ranges Agrotron 440 CV and the series 7250 TTV; in Lamborghini the line Green Pro for green spaces, with six models in a rank of power of 23 to 50 CV and with hydrostatic transmission of 2 or 3 ranges to 30 km/h; and in Same has to stand out the new range of specialists –Classic, Series S/V and Series F– and the new range Walker, product of an agreement with Antonio Carraro, and that consolidates the segment of 30 to 50 CV of tractor trucks specialists.

By all this the Group will centre his strategy depending of the product, with such to cover all the needs of the markets. In the range of high technology will centre in markets developed, in the global will do it to world-wide level, and in the basic fundamentally in emergent markets.

Ludovico Bussolati, CEO of Same Deutz-Fahr, during his exhibition in front of the skilled presses
Ludovico Bussolati, CEO of Same Deutz-Fahr, during his exhibition in front of the skilled presses.
Regarding figures, Same Deutz-Fahr sold a total of 28.096 tractors in 2011, that is to say, 5.000 more than in the previous exercise, what meant a turnover of 1.114 million euros, with a gross profit of 8%. Regarding the investments, the Group has foreseen to allocate between 2011 and 2015 a total of 204 million euros, basically in new products (60%), what means 100 millions more than in the polish previous.

The dealer, important part of the strategy

Franco Artoni, director salesman and Marketing, went the attendant to present the commercial strategy of the company and the aims of face to the 2015. For this year, Same Deutz-Fahr expects to increase his extra turnover-comunitaria of the 13 to 25%, his quota of market in Europe of the 11,2 to 15%, bend his presence in cosechadoras, and invoice 210 million euros in spare parts. For this, in the distribution will work in a program of development of the dealers with such to standardise processes and operative; in the program 'Top 200' –program of annual learning for the 200 better European dealers involucrando to owners and agents– in a program of identifación corporarativa, adding value to the marks through new standards of identification; and in a better support in sales and service on the territory.Also in the distribution will improve the coverage of zone; will set up the SDF Academy, with material of learning of last generation, two main centres of learning, and-learning, new schools in the main markets and learning of comparative product in the field; and will set up a project of technical assistance (new systems of guarantee, project of telephone support, centre of technical qualification, etc.).
“In the distribution will work in a program of development of the dealers with such to standardise processes and operative”
Regarding the consciousness of mark, the Group will follow realising events for international launchings, will follow developing the communication via web –put like example the 440Hp Project, a form of bisteeringal communication that involucra to the customer in the development of a new product– and it will bet by the esponsorización, like the recently signed with the champion of the world of motorcycling Casey Stoner.

In spite of the crisis, in Spain also thinks in growing

The last in taking the word was Javier Seisdedos, general director of Same Deutz-Fahr Iberian, the one who confirmed the bad figures of the market of tractors of 2011, with less than 10.000 units sold in total by all the marks. 12,4% of them were Same-Deutz Fahr, that is to say, 0,2% less than the previous year, although keeping the third position after John Deere and New Holland. It is significant the rise that has experienced the market of tractors in the segment of 135 to 164 CV (+28,4%) and in the one of high power (+9,7%), markets in which Same Deutz-Fahr begins to be very very positioned.

The market of cosechadoras was better that the one of tractors and this translated in an increase of sales of 7,8% in the total of marks. The Group Same Deutz-Fahr commercialised 18 of the 371 cosechadoras sold in 2011 in the Spanish market. In the sector of spare parts continued the good figures, and the increase in 2011 was of 4,5% until invoiceing the 12,58 mill. Of euros. In total, the Group invoiceed in Spain 52,67 mill. Of euros, 8,5%, fundamentally thanks to the increase of sales of cosechadores, tractor trucks MIX and spare parts.

Javier Seisdedos, general director of Same Deutz-Fahr Iberian, during his presentation
Javier Seisdedos, general director of Same Deutz-Fahr Iberian, during his presentation.
Of face to 2012, the subsidiary in Spain and Portugal pretends to follow improving the activities of learning with new courses of products and of spare parts, the learning of technicians, and approach the product to the final customer. For this will realise presentations, a new Day of Technology in Field (September) and the presentation of the new models 7250 TTV (October), between other actions.

For this year, in that they do not expect changes in the volume of the market of tractors, Same Deutz-Fahr expects to arrive to 13% of quota, sell 24 cosechadoras, increase until the 13,6 millions the turnover in spare parts, and set up the Agricenter, also in the section of spare parts.

Walker, the protagonist of Same in FIMA

In FIMA 2012 one of the big protagonists was the new family Walker, a project developed beside the mark Antonio Carraro. His main characteristic are his compact dimensions that guarantee an extreme agility and manoeuvrability, and his constructive philosophy that guarantees reliability and durability in the time. The three models that constitute the new range isodiamétrica and that will complete the segment of power between the 30-50 CV with compact motors, are ideal for this typology of product, mechanical transmissions of until 12 speeds for 30 km/h of maximum speed, and hydraulics systems and of elevation adapted to each type of application specialist.

Walker 30, 40 and 50 result therefore adapted to the most miscellaneous uses, especially in the exploitations frutales and of vineyards in hill, where his dowries of manoeuvrability and stability guarantee high productivity and greater operating capacity.

The tractor trucks Walker, of Same, went one of the big novelties of the mark in FIMA 2012
The tractor trucks Walker, of Same, went one of the big novelties of the mark in FIMA 2012.

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