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Este artículo fue escrito originalmente en Spanish. Se ha traducido automáticamente para su comodidad. Se han hecho esfuerzos razonables para proporcionar una traducción precisa; sin embargo, ninguna traducción automática es perfecta, ni es su intención la de sustituir a un traductor humano. El artículo original en Spanish puede verlo en General valora su paso por FIMA como productivo y beneficioso
The signature riojana presented the nebulizer of cannon-mixed, model CA-C4, able to realise treatments so much of low as of high volume

General values his go through FIMA like productive and beneficial

Editorial Interempresas01/03/2012

1 March 2012

The mark Agricultural General caused feeling between the assistants to FIMA 2012 with his innovative products and designs that look for economizar and rentabilizar the agricultural sector. Many of the visitors to the fair approached by the stand of Agricultural General, in that the mark riojana stood out by the appeal of his new models, with innovative and efficient products for the 'new echo-agriculture'.
Inside the products presented in this edition by General, finds the nebulizer of cannon-mixed, model CA-C4, able to realise treatments so much of low as of high volume according to the needs of the agriculturalist. This machine is designed to realise treatments invested in diversity of plantations, especially of big citrus fruit. Another of the machines that Agricultural General presented like novelty in FIMA 2012 for this type of crop was the designated atomizador model 'Citrus', endowed of a group of air of big performance with exit of air bicanal.
Stand Of Agricultural General in FIMA 2012
Stand Of Agricultural General in FIMA 2012.
Also they had his particular interest the trituradores of reversible type, such as the triturador reversible for the olivar, and the trituradores special vineyard, also available with reversible system. Said machines have an innovative system of hammered by mill, endowed with technology of system car-cleaning of the hydraulics feeder.

Another of the big protagonists in the stand of General was the series designated 'Vanguard'. The series of polietileno of the General mark, with his innovative leading panels, multifuncionales, with system Uni-Select, attracted the attention of the personal assistant and recopiló infinity of questions of diverse visitors and curious that assisted to the living room.

The nebulizer of cannon-mixed CA-C4 was one of the big protagonists of the stand
The nebulizer of cannon-mixed CA-C4 was one of the big protagonists of the stand.
From Agricultural General considers that FIMA 2012 will give a push to all the companies of the agricultural sector in Spain, and to the thousands of agriculturalists with which explains our country. In her they have been able to appreciate products that will do the Spanish agriculture more profitable, efficient, economic and respectful with the environingingment.

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