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The manufacturer has strengthened in 2012 his third position in the quota of the market of tractors in Spain

Marry IH prioritises in FIMA his products for the very professional customer

David Pozo01/03/2012

1 March 2012

There is not doubt that Marry IH bet by FIMA 2012, and like this shows it the stand interactive that the mark mounted with reason of the last edition in the pavilion 6 of the enclosure ferial zaragozano. The visitor could know no so only the new tractors of the series Farmall, but the new generacion of the Magnum EP, or the imponente Steiger 550, of eight wheels, that deleitó to big and small. Marry IH has as it put  to half/long term increase his figure of business in 50%.
Marry IH presented, as the majority of big marks of tractors and of machinery of recolección, his results of the year 2011 in FIMA. There, through his general director of Spain and Portugal, Xavier Autonell, desgranaron which are the aims of the company for this 2012. Taking into account that it Marry IH sells 18% of his tractors in Europe, the aim of the mark is to follow improving his figures in Spain, where has become the third strength, with 6,4% of the 9.971 tractors sold in Spain in 2011. Better have been the figures in the spare, where has happened to invoice of 5,4 to 7,9 million euros. “We have of a strategic plan to increase 50% the figure of business in the next years, with an increase of 8% in the available quota of tractors and 2% in cosechadoras”, aimed Autonell.
Stand Of Marry IH in FIMA 2012
Stand Of Marry IH in FIMA 2012.
In a FIMA in which it Marry IH bet by a stand interactive to position like a key mark for customers very professional, from the mark puts the sight in a future to two years based in the novelties. For this 2012 from the mark 'red' bets consolidate the technology Tier IV in his models; follow with the launching of his systems of agriculture of precision; reinforce the position in tractors of high range like the Magnum CVX; work in the grouping of the new family, that groups all the inferior tractors to 100 CV; and follow developing the network of dealers, putting special emphasis in the learning. Of face to finals of year already is working in the launching of the new cosechadora of the Series 30.

Farmall, the todoterreno profitable in the class of 50 to 100 CV

One of the big bets of Marry IH has been the presentation in FIMA 2012 of the family Farmall, in which the mark groups all his models of 50 to 100 CV. The series Farmall Or has been remodelled and rediseñada for his use like an integral tractor and todoterreno. In addition to a new design, the series Farmall incorporate the last technology of engine, the heart of which is an entirely new engine with innovative system of recirculation of gases of leakage. The new Farmall Or EfficientPower offers an increase of power in all the areas, included the taking of strength and the hydraulics systems. Besides, it is instrumented with a series of new valuable characteristics; such as an entirely new engine “common rail” of 3,4 litres with turbocompressesor and intercooler.
The Farmall To of 55 CV, exposed in FIMA, is one of the smallest models of the series
The Farmall To of 55 CV, exposed in FIMA, is one of the smallest models of the series.
The series Farmall C consists of three models of tractor of 55, 65 and 75 CV (41, 48 and 55 kW). They have been designed specifically to work in farms: for example with a frontal loaders, for the companies graziers. The compact dimensions give to the new Farmall C also utility for simple agricultural tasks, horticultural crops and determinate works with crops. Finally, the new series closes with the Farmall To, two new tractors of 45 and 55\1CV\2 These tractors of four resistant cylinders, maniobrables and versatile, that have a transmission 8x8, mechanical investor synchronised, and taking of strength of 540 rpm, are designed to work in small agricultural exploitations/graziers, but are able in a lot of other surroundings. Both are available in 2WD or 4WD and are instrumented with a wide and comfortable platform of the operator.

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