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The etiquetadores can facilitate provable data on characteristics or conditions of distinct production to which are recorded in the labelled compulsory

First accreditations for labelled facultativo of meat of lamb and cabrito

National entity of Accreditation (ENAC)24/02/2012

24 February 2012

The Reglamentación applicable to the pertinent meat of the different species graziers establishes for the products commercialised in the European Union two types of labelled: the compulsory and the facultativo. The second, of voluntary character, begins to apply in meat of lamb and cabrito, to the equal that already sucedió previously in beef and birds of farmyard.
Photo: ENAC
Photo: ENAC.

Both types of compulsory –labeling and facultativo– are applicable to the meat from exploitations graziers in community territory. The first, has to include the information, that concretises the own regulation and besides guarantees his trazabilidad. That is to say, the way that visits from the piece of meat until the concrete animal of the that proceeds. The second has a purpose: allow to the etiquetadores facilitate other data, distinct of the established for the compulsory labeling, that provide to the consumer information on other characteristics or conditions of production. In this case, those that atañen to the race, the age, the feeding –pasture, cereals, milk– or the category of the animal. Quotations, this yes, that have to be objective and provable.

Four entities accredited for the meat of lamb and cabrito, and in increase

Nowadays, a total of 10 entities have accreditation for the certification of the labelled facultativo of meat of beef, three of them besides for the one of birds of farmyard. To these, have added recently the first accreditations for the certification of lamb and cabrito, in accordance with the Guide for the labelled facultativo of meat of lamb and cabrito approved by the Resolution 10/09/09 of the General Steering of Agricultural Resources and Graziers of the Ministry of Agriculture, Feeding and Environingingment. It treats of: Certicar SL, Regulatory Council of the I.G.P. Ternasco of Aragon, Laboratory of General Diagnostic, SL and LGAI Technological Center, S.A.

Like this the operators that commercialise the meats of lamb and cabrito explain already with the services of four entities accredited. Besides, several entities find in process of accreditation for this diagram of certification, by what foresees that in brief increase the number of entities of certification accredited for this labelled facultativo.To

Quotations to incorporate 

The labelled facultativo will indicate, like minimum, logo or mark, country of birth of the animals, identification of the slaughterhouse of sacrifice and room of despiece, number or code of trazabilidad, identification of the independent organism of control recognised, available denomination and rank of weights.

In accordance with the Guide, have to employ like additional indications in the labelled of the meat of lamb and cabrito, whenever it treat of truthful information, objective and provable, at least one of the indications that do quotation to the following appearances:

-Type of feeding of the animalsto

Animal fed to base of cereals: the lambs or cabritos have been fed with a feeding that suplementa with cereals during the period of bait.To

Animal fed with pasture: the lambs or cabritos have pastado in open field, or have fed fundamentally to base of forraje, at least, during three consecutive days or five alternating by week during the period of bait.To

Animal fed with milk: the lambs and cabritos have been fed with maternal milk, suplementándose or no with lacto reemplazantes, during at least, 24 days of life.To

wings mention that in his case certify related with the type of feeding will be generic. The conditions detailed for each type of feeding will establish in the pliegos of conditions and will control and will certify in base to them.To

-Race of the animals

«Lamb of race..…» Or «Cabrito of race.....» Or «Lamb..... (Name of the race)» or «Cabrito...... (Name of the race) when the meat obtain of animals that proceed of reproductores inscribed in genealogical books officially recognised for this race.To

«Lamb.…. (Name of the race) crusader» or «Cabrito….. (Name of the race) crossed» when it treat of meat of animal crusaders, in which the race that mentions suppose, like minimum, 50%.To

Likewise, and for the previous categories, in case that the race mentioned was autochthonous in accordance with the classification of the Official Catalogue of Races of Livestock of Spain, will be able to indicate «autochthonous Lamb..… (Name of the race)», «Cabrito autochthonous…. (Name of the race), «autochthonous Lamb crusader.… (Name of the race)» or «Cabrito autochthonous crusader….. (Name of the race), according to the case.

Photo: ENAC
Photo: ENAC.

Steps to be followed

To include these additional indications in the labelled of the meat that commercialise with his logo, the operators have to present a fold of conditions of the product. In him, they have to certify the quotations that think to use as well as the controls and actions established to guarantee his veracity. The fold has to be approved, by the competent authority, and controlled by an entity of certification accredited according to the norm IN 45011.Toto

With the approval of the guide of the labelled facultativo of meat of lamb and cabrito establish the conditions mark generals that allow the application of the labelled facultativo by part of the producers inside the program of improvement of the quality regulated by the Royal decree 1703/2011, of 18 November.Toto

In this ultima norm, establish the regulatory bases for the granting of the subsidies to the groupings of producers in the sectors of ovino and goat milking rooms in the exercise 2012.Tototo

Photo: ENAC
Photo: ENAC.

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