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This news article was originally written in Spanish. It has been automatically translated for your convenience. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace a human translator. The original article in Spanish can be viewed at El mercado de maquinaria agrícola cumple los pronósticos y se mantiene estable
Whereas the registrations of tractors descended 5,1%, the sales of machinery of recolección, pulverización and credit increased more than 15%

The market of agricultural machinery fulfils the prognoses and remains stable

Editorial Interempresas01/02/2012

1 February 2012

They fulfilled the prognoses. As they advanced the analyses of the diverse groups of work of Ansemat (National Association of machinery agropecuaria, forestry and of green spaces), the data of registrations in the Official Register of Agricultural Machinery (ROME) in 2011 show a new descent in the market of tractors, also in the one of tow while the market of machinery automotriz and of machinery for work and manufacturing of floor increased of significant form.
Finally the total of registrations with regard to the year 2010, hardly reduced in 1,8%, a percentage that can not wipe away the bad year for some of his groups of mechanisation. One of the most affected has been, definitely, the one of tractors that has closed the year with 10.002 units inscribed, figure never known in his statistical history reducing 5% with regard to 2010. This new fall carries to reflexionar on the floor of this market that has reached some heights of renewal and investment, logics by the financial difficulties, although unpublished by the potential and the needs of the agricultural and rural sector.

The market of tractors hits rock bottom

The greater number of tractors enrolled were the ones of double traction, with a total of 9.738 units, apróximadamente 4,4% less than in 2010, with a half power of 110 CV by tractor –4,5 CV of average more than the previous year. In this segment, 2.932 were tractor trucks narrow, 302 of them articulated. Regarding the inscipciones of tractors of simple traction the descent was more significant, with a descent of 24,3%. During 2011 they enrolled 112 machines, with a half power of 91,5 CV. Regarding the crawler tractors enrolled 110 units, 19,7% less than in 2010. In the section 'Others', where includes to vehicles recognised in the EU as tractor trucks although his function corresponds to another type of machinery like tractocarros or loaders telescopic, the descent also has been accused. It has happened of the 73 units inscribed in 2010 to the 42 tractors inscribed in this last exercise.

The model 5090 M of John Deere has been the most sold tractor in Spain in 2011
The model 5090 M of John Deere has been the most sold tractor in Spain in 2011.
John Deere has carried again the “prize” to the most sold mark in our country, with a total of 2.840 tractors enrolled. Between them it finds the most sold tractor during the 2011: the model 5090 M, of the that enrolled 173 units. In second position situated New Holland, with 1.608 tractors inscribed in Spain in 2011, between them also the second tractor with greater sales, the model T4050F, with 165 units sold.

The most positive balance in machinery automotriz and machinery for work and manufacturing of floor

The increase has been however important in the market of machinery automotriz of recolección –pushed by the cereal harvesters– and the equipment of manufacturing of floor, with a total of 368 units sold, 60,7% more than in 2010. While, they descend the equipment dragged or suspended of seed, recolección and tow them, that like the market of tractors follows accumulating annual falls in the last three years. In 2011 they enrolled 5.720 trailers, 7% less than in the previous exercise.

Quotation aside deserves the chapter of destined machinery to treatments (application of phytosanitary ware) and contribution of fertilizantes and water (fertiliser spreaders) whose figures grow, of average, above 15% in front of the past year. This increase is due to the forcing of registration in the register in application of the Royal decrees of characterisation of the register of agricultural machinery and of inspection of equipment for the application of phytosanitary ware and no so much to the improvement of the market.

The cereal harvesters was the segment that more terrain won in 2011
The cereal harvesters was the segment that more terrain won in 2011.
The expectations for 2012 speak, according to Ansemat, of uncertainty, justified by the bad economic moment and social in which we find us but for which the agricultural and rural sector, with the machinery like engine of the same, has to work like revulsivo.

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