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Coordinator of Organisations of Agriculturalists and Graziers (COAG)

Green light to the Law of Improvement of the Chain Agroalimentaria and reduction of the impact of the costs of production

Editorial Interempresas30/01/2012

30 January 2012

The agricultural organisations have begun to realise his requests to the new minister Miguel Arias Cañete. They are many the subjects that are on the table and Spain plays big part of the become of his primary sector in the next months. From Interempresas have contacted with Miguel López, general secretary of the Coordinator of Organisations of Agriculturalists and Graziers (COAG), so that it do us arrive his requests, which will move to the own minister expecting an answer in brief.
Miguel López, general secretary of COAG
Miguel López, general secretary of COAG.

Law of improvement of the Chain Agroalimentaria

The Law has to tackle subjects like the abusive commercial practices forbidden, the collective negotiation of the agricultural agreements in the breast of the Organisations Interprofesionales Agroalimentarias. Also it has to contemplate the incorporation of clauses of application of the rule of competition to the agricultural sector, allowing an interpretation of this similar to which does in other States Members (France) with which have to compete. This with the aim of reequilibrar the power negotiator of the agents of the chain and guarantee the loyal competition between them, the maximum efficiency of the operations and the freedom of election of the consumer to the hour to purchase his products. Inside said normative will be indispensable to strengthen the power negotiator of the agriculturalists and boost the vertebración economic of the producing sector, in particular by means of the cooperative integration.To

Mitigate impact gone up of the costs of production

This purpose would attain through the set up of:

-Fiscal Measures. By means of the increase of the VAT of compensation to the sector grazier equating it to the agriculture; the maintenance of the deductions of the previous net performance by acquisitions of diesel (35%), plastics or fertilizantes (15%) and the general reduction of 2%. As well as 10% by expenses of difficult justification in the diet of direct estimate simplified; and finally, the application of the type reduced of the VAT to the energetic consumptions of the professional agriculturalists (electricity and diesel).

-Electrical prices. Solutions for the exponential increase of the electrical bill in the last years. That is to say, the implantation of an agreement adapted to the specific characteristics of the consumption in the agricultural sector.

-Development of the renewable energiess in the agricultural sector and of the figure of the Agricultural Exploitation Producer of Renewable Energies.

- Agricultural insurance. Treats to work in the implantation of lines of insurance that go further of the damages and that guarantee the maintenance of a level income to face the fluctuations of the prices and of the costs.To

Maintenance of the legal right to retirement in the age of the 65 years

Basically, for the agriculturalists/ace and the graziers/ace, given the character penoso, hard and of big exigencia physical of the agricultural activity, impossible to correct or resolve through changes in the conditions and places of work.To

Reform of the PAC

In this field, specify several points to work:

-Measured of management of the market. In front of the absence of proposals in this field, the EU has to change his politics of desregulación of the markets and establish the mechanisms that avoid on the one hand, the volatility of the prices and the fluctuation of the agricultural markets and by the another, that guarantee some prices to the agriculturalists above his costs of production (management and public regulation, intervention, control of the production, maintenance of dairy quotas, contingents of sugar and rights of replantación of viñedo, clause of exceptional measures, strategic reservations, etc.). It demands then , the application of the principle of preference comunitaria and replanteamiento of the current frame of commercial liberalisation through the negotiations with the OMC and the agreements of free trade of the EU with third countries, given his perverse effects so much for the north agriculturalists like south.

- Imports of third countries, as well as control and exigencia regarding environingingmental norms, social, labour and of quality and alimentary hygiene that the European Union imposes to his own agriculturalists. By the grave risk that suppose for the sector, refuse the Agreements with Morocco and Mercosur.

-Direct helps. We demand the application of the concept of active agriculturalist, like addressee of the public helps and establishment of limits of help to the exploitations in function of the level of autoempleo and employment generated. COAG Proposes to state level that define like active agriculturalist to the professional agriculturalist that realises the agricultural activity of direct form, to complete or partial time, whose income from the agricultural activity was especially significant and that like consequence of this activity cotiza obligatoriamente in the Agricultural Diet of the Social hygiene.To

Rejection to the crop of transgénicos

From COAG, consider indispensable the derogation of the permissions of crop of the varieties OMG in Spain, as well as the set up of the register of plots of crops modified genetically.To

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