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Este artículo fue escrito originalmente en Spanish. Se ha traducido automáticamente para su comodidad. Se han hecho esfuerzos razonables para proporcionar una traducción precisa; sin embargo, ninguna traducción automática es perfecta, ni es su intención la de sustituir a un traductor humano. El artículo original en Spanish puede verlo en Durán premiada por el sistema de plegado de su sembradora neumática Optisem
Pavilion 6, stand And 37-47

Durán rewarded by the system of folded of his sembradora pneumatics Optisem

Editorial Interempresas19/01/2012

19 January 2012

The Optisem 5.40, rewarded in the Contest of Technical Novelties, is a sembradora pneumatics of grille with train of seed floating in three bodies and preparador leading. Of series comes instrumented with a versatile hopper of 1.400 l. Placed in a position in which the weight finds very near of the tractor, by what removes less weight of the leading axis and improves the manoeuvrability. It includes one covers metallic folding in two parts, protecting the seed of water and dust. Also it has one covers frontal abatible for inspection and service. Easy to load thanks to his big width of load and to his little height; like this, they can use BigBargs, loaders shovel or a sinfín (carries of series take hydraulics for his accionamiento).

The sembradora explains also of series with: train of seed floating with 4 wheels of control of depth and paralelogramo; two headlights of work; hydraulics turbine; folding ladders, platform of load and pasamanos; lights of road; box of tools; disks horizontal scoreboards with valve of hygiene and fusible; rastra of quills (adjustable in pressesure and angle); takings for sinfín; exclusive system anti-dust Dust-protection; preparador leading removable of 19 arms in 2 rows with regulation of pressesure by means of dock and adjust in height by means of husillos and 2 wheels of control –Fold did backwards for a width of transport no upper to 2.5 metres– and control of control electrohidráulico Advanced with digital screen and retroiluminación for the control and the supervision of the fold for transport/work, disks hydraulics scoreboards (left, right and both), total cutting of seed, lights of work, cuentahectáreas, control of the revolutions of the fan, and level of hopper.

Sembradora Pneumatics of grille Optisem 5.40 pro, rewarded in FIMA.
The system of seeds of the Optisem 5.40 Pro consists in a big films central distributor with 2x12 cells intercaladas, in addition to 2 film external distributors with 24 cells for fine seed
The system of seeds of the Optisem 5.40 Pro consists in a big films central distributor with 2x12 cells intercaladas, in addition to 2 film external distributors with 24 cells for fine seed. The inner axis of films it distributor can adjust easily in three points to change of fine seed to normal or big. Besides, it has an electrical engine for desconectar the twist of the distributor and like this cut seeds it. The cells send a constant flow of seed from the hopper to the centre of the current of air. The big turbine, very silent, works with a hydraulics engine of series. For vaciar the rests of seed of the hopper exists one covers beside films it distributor. The distributor of seed has 40 exits to attain a distance between grilles of 125 millimetres.

Encintandora McHale 998, versatilidad in the empacado

The encintadora of pacas square McHale 998 is a versatile solution for the encintado of pacas square. The design, his components of quality and his engineering of precision do of the encintadora of pacas square 998 the election of confidence for agriculturalists and companies of service that want a high performance in all type of terrains and conditions. The 998 is an encintadora of pacas square has capacity to move three pacas at the same time thanks to his system of strip transportadora. It can load a paca square in the leading strip, move a second paca from the leading strip to the position of encintado, and expel the last paca square encintada by the rear part.
Encintadora Of paca square Mc Hale 998
Encintadora Of paca square Mc Hale 998.
The encintadora of pacas square 998 is full of only characteristics, including the loaders strip and fast positioning of the paca in the position of encintado, system of cutting and tightened hydraulics, nivelación automatic of the paca and launches of shot with bar of stick to the arms of the tractor. The 998 encinta all the sizes of pacas square from 80 x 70 cm to 160 x 120 cm, even two pacas square.

The control of control in cabin allows to the operario change the size of the pacas square and select the number of layers of plastic wished Once configured, simply pressesing the button ‘car start' begins the complete cycle until his end. The device of measure of the angle patented of the 998, offers an encintado uniform and consistent, independently of the size or form of the paca square and besides guarantees an encintado more accurate.

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