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The axis and the agricultural suspension have a name: To.D.R.

Editorial Interempresas13/01/2012

13 January 2012

If the one who uses the agricultural machinery is accustomed to consider the dimensions of the length of the platform in metres or in cubic metres of drawer, in the case of the suspensions the millimetres are very important. A small error in the alineamiento of the axes or in the alineación of the wheels can produce the precocious wear of the tyres and increase the consumption of carburante.

The suspensions premontadas To.D.R. They are born in the bancadas of proyectación original, developed directly by the technicians of Investigation and Development. The constructors of vehicles can receive the entirely mounted suspension with the alineamiento correct and the just alineación, integrated in an easily adaptable superstructure to the crossbars of his frame. All the weldings with criticidad structural, as well as the mechanical settings more difficult, will be realised by the personnel To.D.R. According to the disposals of the technicians that have followed the development of the axes and of the suspensions from the first stages of the proyectación.

For the traditional suspensions to crossbows, the range To.D.R. It presents already solutions technologically advanced using parabolic crossbows, that optimise resistance, elasticity and weight. And besides the leaves estan realised with different types of widths, narrow to improve the stability in terrains irregurales or wider to ensure greater transversal stability to the vehicles that have a very high barycenter. Other constructive details, some of which of original conception To.D.R., they contribute security during the course and the braked.
The suspensions premontadas To.D.R. They are born in the bancadas of proyectación original, developed directly by the technicians of R&D

Hydropneumatic suspensions

The subject goes back more complex and much more articulated in the case of the hydropneumatics suspensions. To.D.R., thanks to the experience matured in decenios of collaborations with the technicians of the constructors of vehicles from the first stages of the project, has developed an own line of hydropneumatics suspensions, that have revealed like “true solutions” to the problems of mobility and hygiene of the agricultural machines of the third millennium.

The two fundamental functions that the user expects of an agricultural machine, that is to say the stability and the hygiene in all the conditions of load and of service, carry out separately of the hydropneumatics suspensions, in which the alineación is controlled by the system oleodinámico and the amortiguación is realised with accumulators of inert gas.

The transversal stabilizer oleodinámico, the blockade of the suspension during the dump of the box, the lifting of an axis to optimise the distribution of the weights during the operations in the field are, beside the function autoniveladora sensitive to the load, the main advantages offered by the hydropneumatics suspensions for which To.D.R. It projects also the systems of management, in the distribution ‘oil-gear' of R&D of the group To.D.R.
Hydrosafe Is the ideal solution for the machines that have to go by impassable terrains and has been studied to give the maximum freedom to the proyectistas of vehicles
The maximum of the versatilidad at present is Hydrosafe, a suspension with independent wheels strongly innovative that joins to the consolidated range HydrOK, of hydropneumatic suspensions 'heavy duty' particularly adapted for machines with big loads and big tyres. Hydrosafe Is the ideal solution for the machines that have to go by impassable terrains and has been studied to give the maximum freedom to the proyectistas of vehicles. With his compact construction that goes in entirely in the profile of the frame, allows the utilisation of axes of direction even with tyres very wide. It has an automatic correction of the angles of direction during the course by rugged terrains and, to the systems of management of HydrOK adds the possibility to vary the calibración of the hydraulic system in transversal sense, ensuring in this way the maximum security and stability even in the cases of transport of loads strongly unbalanced or of dump side of the box without need to block the suspension.

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