
This news article was originally written in Spanish. It has been automatically translated for your convenience. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace a human translator. The original article in Spanish can be viewed at Organizaciones agrarias y cooperativas confían en que los presupuestos para 2012 incluyan la prima de polinización

Agricultural and cooperative organisations trust that the budgets for 2012 include the premium of pollination


22 December 2012

The Agricultural Organisations ASAJA Cáceres, APAG-Extremadura-ASAJA, COAG Extremadura and UPA-UCE Extremadura and the Cooperatives Agro-Alimentary Extremadura, representatives of the sector apícola in Extremadura, have gathered with the parliamentary groups with representation in the Assembly of Extremadura (PP, PSOE and IU), after knowing the draft of the General Budgets for 2012. As said document, the destined budgetary game to the premium of pollination (help for the beekeepers and cooperative) has disappeared to 100%.

By part of the agricultural associations, has moved the situation by which crosses the apiculture and his problems, analysing the disappearance of said budgetary game and his repercussion so much in the employment as in the fixation of population in the villages.

In this context, the parliamentary groups have showed his sensitisation in front of the situation of the sector and have engaged to aunar strengths to try replace the concept of premium of pollination, as well as to achieve a budgetary game that guarantee the profitability and the feasibility of the exploitations apícolas in Extremadura.

The representatives of the sector apícola trust that the sensitivity showed by the distinct groups see reflected in the budgets the day 17 January. Of not being like this, the sector will take the timely measures.

In the transcurso of these meetings, the agricultural and cooperative organisations, in representation of the sector apícola extremeño, have moved to the political representatives a technical report on the importance of this help for the sector.

The decrease of the cabin apícola, to global level, begins to be alarming...
The decrease of the cabin apícola, to global level, begins to be alarming. It calculates that the 84 % of the vegetal species need the pollination of the bees, as well as 76% of the alimentary production of the EU depends equally of the pollination.
The situation to which confronts , nowadays, the apiculture is of a very important decrease in the cabin apícola to world-wide level. In Extremadura this decrease produced for the first time in the period 2004- 2005, although in the actuality goes on doing estragos important in the exploitations.

Another problem added is the fault of wild pollination, because of the death of the wild swarms in the same year owing to the illness of the Varroosis. This illness entered in Spain for the first time in the year 1986 and is possibly one of the most severe difficulties to which confronts the current apiculture by the fault of effective products to cut across this illness.

At present, has to value the environmental profit that there is in the ecosystems. It estimates that the 84 % of the vegetal species need the pollination of the bees, as well as 76% of the alimentary production depends equally of the pollination (estimates in 15.000 million euros the agricultural economic contribution in the EU).

The apiculture in Extremadura locates in three very concrete zones and without other agricultural alternatives or graziers: Cat-Hurdes, Villuercas-Ibores and The Siberia. Likewise, this activity favours the maintenance of the population, to a large extent young. A clear example is the growth of the 8 %  of young beekeepers in the year 2011.These youngsters to the only help to which can access after incorporating is the premium of pollination, due to the fact that the apiculture does not have helps PAC.

Besides, and from the European Parliament, urges to allocate more economic resources for the sector through a report that does reference to the decrease of the cabin apícola. Besides, the report advises to conserve the bee melífera, guaranteeing for this the good health apícola, reinforcing effective sanitary programs and participating deep down veterinary European.

Another of the big worries of the sector have arisen after a sentence of the Court of Luxembourg on the presence of OGMs in the honey. This will do that it change totally the philosophy in the labelled, arguing that the pollen is not a component as up to now, but an ingredient, with which  has to create   a specific rule of labelled with the economic repercussion and of image that will create in the sector.

The evolution of the number of beehives in the Autonomous Community has grown substantially because of the commented previously, consequence of the increase of exploitations and employment of youngsters associated to the same

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