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Este artículo fue escrito originalmente en Spanish. Se ha traducido automáticamente para su comodidad. Se han hecho esfuerzos razonables para proporcionar una traducción precisa; sin embargo, ninguna traducción automática es perfecta, ni es su intención la de sustituir a un traductor humano. El artículo original en Spanish puede verlo en Gran cierre de año con la visita de clientes Case IH a la fábrica austriaca de St. Valentin

Big closing of year with the visit of customers Marry IH to the Austrian factory of St. Valentin


21 December 2011

Unforgettable experience in the trip to the factory of St.Valentin that took place the past day 15 December, with more than twenty customers of the authorised car dealer of Marry IH Workshops Ibarz of Binéfar (Huesca). All they shared an entrañable day with multiple activities of the hand of the team of the Austrian mark. The vice-president of Marry IH, Matthew Foster, offered them a warm welcome and exposed them the reasons by which, from the year 2006, the mark has increased his quota of market. In front of the attentive look of the there present, Foster stood out the professionalism of the human team that conforms the mark, and the quality of the product manufactured. It explained the rigorous processes of quality that apply to each one of the tractors during his process of manufacture and before his delivery to his final owner.
Photo of the group in front of the installations of Marry IH in St.Valentin (Austria)
Photo of the group in front of the installations of Marry IH in St.Valentin (Austria).
After the speech, the group could know the areas of assembling of cabins, of setting of wheels, of painting and the devoted to continuous transmission CVX, pioneer in the market. The engineers of the Plant showed the details of the rigorous processes of quality to which expose each one of the units manufactured. Finalised the visit to the plant, the team of training of Marry IH, headed by Christian Ramnek, offered to the group didactic explanations of the continuous transmission and of the gifted engine with technology SCR to offer greater productivity and lower consumption. Later, Diego Jiménez, specialist in AFS of Marry IH, achieved to attract the attention of the presents when explaining what is for Marry IH the agriculture of precision and like this can help them to maximizar the profits of his exploitation.

In the circuit of proofs expected them 5 tractors of the mark: a Cougar 160, a Maxxum 110, a Maxxum 140, a Cougar SWB and a Cougar CVX 180. The team of training, explained them on the practice the profits of the AdBlue and his saving of costs, showed them the profits of the extra power, and convinced them of the reason of the ergonomics of the cabins, thought to work with the maximum comfort. According to the Mr. Ramón Acín, owner of the familiar business of the finca Bizcarra (Selgua), “since it works in the field, in his finca of more than 300 hectares of crop of maiz, lucerne and cereal, with the new Cougar CVX 230 Efficient Power –nominated to tractor of the year 2012 -, has rentabilizado enormously his business regarding previous years. It stands out especially, the versatilidad, the power, and the saving of costs reached (litre by hectare)”.

According to the director of Marry IH, Xavier Autonell, listen to the customers is one of the priorities of the mark. Thus, drive them to the place of the birth of the tractors Marry IH, is a true honour, because his opinions help us to improve and to be followed working to provide the high quality that does easier the daily work of the agriculturalists.

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