
This news article was originally written in Spanish. It has been automatically translated for your convenience. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace a human translator. The original article in Spanish can be viewed at Los recuperadores de papel y cartón reclaman armonía entre regiones ante la nueva ley

Opinions on the Law of Waste in the Third Congress of Repacar

The recuperadores of paper and cardboard demand harmony between regions in front of the new law

Editorial Interempresas28/11/2011

28 November 2011

The celebration of the third edition of the Congress of the Spanish Association of Recuperadores of Paper and Cardboard (Repacar), to finals of October, converted the meeting in the main forum between the public administrations and the sector of the recovery of paper and cardboard in Spain. The debate turned around the new Law 22/2011 of Waste and Floors Contaminated that went in in force the past 29 July. The rule generated an exchange of opinions in that representatives of the different public administrations and the private sector showed the doubts that ciernen on her, hardly three months after his publication in the Official Bulletin of the State. The private agents involved in the management of waste demand to participate in the destined forums to the set up of the law.
Photo: Núria Fortuny
Photo: Núria Fortuny

For Jesús Huertas García, general director of Quality and Environmental Evaluation of the Ministry of Environment, with the entrance in force of the Law 22/2011, “opens a new phase in the management of waste”. Splitting of the premise that “the best residue is the one who does not generate , if it generates , all our effort has to go destined to the recycled”, argued Huertas. For him, the recuperadores of paper and cardboard “play an importantísimo paper” in the cycle of the recycled, and with the set up of the new law, “have a very optimistic horizon because his activity agrees with the efforts that are realising in Europe and that collect in this rule”.

The activity of the recuperadores has allowed, according to the representative of Environment, that in Spain “by each 10 kilos of paper manufactured recycle 8,5”.

The activity of the recuperadores has allowed, according to Environment, that in Spain “by each 10 kilos of paper manufactured recycle 8,5”
Photo: Kay Pat
Photo: Kay Pat

Fault of harmony

In addition to valuing like “success so much in assistance as in contents” the Congress of Repacar, the president of this entity, José Antonio García Carry, showed his interests regarding the new law. “By what have listened in the distinct reports, in Europe the problematic is seemed”, signalled the leader of Repacar in relation to the difficulty to harmonise the rule between the distinct administrations.

From this congress, announced García Carry, “want to launch the glove to the administrations so that they have the professionals of the sector and are present in organisms like the commission of Coordination in Matter of Waste to show our doubts and expose our point of view on the new law”.

The distinct speakers that took part in the congress showed the need that the public administrations have the private agents to be able to create stable frames of work, so much to harmonise the new normative as to give continuity and consolidate the model of existent waste.

The market of the recovery of the paper and cardboard is key for the public administrations, and like this has remained patent through the assistance of several managers of autonomic and local organisms. For Josep Simó i will fit, director of the Municipal Area of the Obtains of Residus of Catalonia, “recover waste like prime matters is key for the economy”. Idea that shared Fátima Núñez Valentín, general director of Environmental Management Urbana of the City council of Madrid, for the one who is necessary a “put in value of the management of the waste”.


The doubts of the producers

The vision of the producers of waste has it contributed Javier Uriarte Arrizabalaga, responsible of Energy, Security, Cleaning and of Management of Waste of Eroski: “The new law is positive in his group, but no totally satisfactory because they remain appearances no very clear-cut that generate doubts and that they will be managed of different form by the autonomous communities”. Uriarte Has not doubted in fixing like the greater expectation of the sector that “attain apply the same rules in all the autonomous communities”.

From Eroski, Javier Uriarte expects that “they attain apply the same rules in all the autonomous communities”
Photo: Tim Meijer
Photo: Tim Meijer

The point of view of the foreign exporters

The Congress of Repacar, that in his third edition purchased an international dimension, had the presence of three representatives of the sector of the recuperadores of paper and cardboard of France, Portugal and Italy. The organisation wanted like this listen the vision of three of the main exporters of paper and cardboard to Spain. For Marc-Antoine Belhté, director of Veolia Propreté France-Recycling, “the application of the law neither is very clear because they arise different doubts regarding the definitions of residue, by-product or prime matter”. Pedro Conceiçao, general secretary of the National Association of Industries of Paper and Cardboard (ANIPC), explained that in Portugal arises the same problematic in the application of the rule. In this same point coincided Paolo Menelao, commercial delegate in Spain of the Italian company Isola Raw Materials.

Related Companies or Entities

Asociación Española de Recicladores Recuperadores de Papel y Cartón
Ministerio de Agricultura, Pesca y Alimentación

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