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Este artículo fue escrito originalmente en Spanish. Se ha traducido automáticamente para su comodidad. Se han hecho esfuerzos razonables para proporcionar una traducción precisa; sin embargo, ninguna traducción automática es perfecta, ni es su intención la de sustituir a un traductor humano. El artículo original en Spanish puede verlo en Arlesa elige la Axial Flow 8120 de Case IH para sus demostraciones

Arlesa chooses the Axial Flow 8120 of Case IH for their demonstrations


September 7, 2011

The past day 9 August in the Finca Morla of Tower Melgarejo in the municipal term of Jerez of the Border (Cádiz), surrounded of crop of sorgo –basic selection of the variety Queyras–, the Axial Flow 8120 showed that the technological innovation of Marry IH contributes to his customers profitability, saving and big profits.

Arlesa, leading mark in the world of the seed, has devoted during the last 40 years to the investigation, improvement and commercialisation of seeds of sunflower, corn, rape and sorga, and has encouraged in looking for the most optimum solutions to increase the productivity of said varieties. Day in day out they treat to contribute answers to the new needs (tolerance, plagues, OGM, resistances to parasitic, herbicides, etc.), increasing the productive potential and adding value to all his products.

Arlesa Seeds, pertaining to the Group Multinational Euralis, has chosen the Axial Flow 8120 of Marry IH for the siega of the sunflower and the sorgo in this campaign 2011. Like this then , José Antonio García of Tejada, technical director of Seed of the Group Euralis, comments: “During the last years has been working with several marks of cosechadoras and in spite of improving had not arrived to the level that demanded us our matrix”. His matrix in France recommended the Axial Flow of Marry IH and like this was as they contacted with Hnos. Ortega Simón in Tarancón (Cuenca), authorised car dealer of Marry IH. It adds that “in the period of recolección our aim is that the system do not damage neither split the seed recolectada with the end to attain a high degree of cleaning, without loss of grain: it is our maximum hándicap”, self-evident. “And we have attained it”, asevera of conclusive form. “With a half performance of the crop in the finca and humidity of the seed – between 16.5 and 19 °C– and with a half production of the plot of 4.180 kg. By hectare, the result is excellent; without losses of grain and without impurities achieves save enormously. The Axial Flow of Marry IH facilitates the classification and reduces us the time of the dryers”.

From left to right...
From left to right: Juan Ortega (hnos Ortega Simon Manager); José Antonio García de Tejada (technical director of seeds of the Group Euralis seeds, Arlesa at Spain); and José Miguel Farelo López (owner of the machine).

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